

Walter Dean Myers

Walter Dean Myers is an African American young adult fiction writer. He has written over 50 books and won multiple literary awards.

500 Questions

How tall is Walter Dean Myers?

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Walter Dean Myers was approximately 6 feet 2 inches tall.

Who is the flat character in Slam by Walter Dean Myers?

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In the novel "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers, Tito is a flat character. Tito serves as a supportive friend to the protagonist Slam, but he does not undergo significant development or change throughout the story. Tito's character remains relatively constant, without much depth or complexity.

What is the rising action in scorpions by Walter dean Myers?

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In "Scorpions" by Walter Dean Myers, the rising action includes the growing tension and conflict as the main character, Jamal, becomes more entangled in the violent world of his brother and Scorpions gang. Jamal's internal struggle and external pressures escalate as he faces difficult choices and consequences. The rising action builds towards the climax of the story where Jamal must make a critical decision that will shape his future.

What is the climax of Scorpions book by Walter dean Myers?

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The climax of "Scorpions" by Walter Dean Myers occurs when Jamal shoots and critically wounds his friend, Tito, during a confrontation with a rival gang member. This event marks a turning point in the story and forces Jamal to confront the consequences of his actions.

What are the main Characters in bad boys by Walter Dean Myers?

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The main characters in "Bad Boy" by Walter Dean Myers are Walter Dean Myers himself, as the book is a memoir of his own life, and his family members such as his parents, siblings, and extended family. The book focuses on Walter's experiences growing up in Harlem and the challenges he faced as a young man.

What is the summary of The Dream Bearer by Walter Dean Myers?

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"The Dream Bearer" by Walter Dean Myers tells the story of a young boy named Jeremiah who gains the ability to see into people's dreams after a near-death experience. Jeremiah uses this gift to help those around him, navigating the challenges of adolescence and dealing with family issues along the way. The novel explores themes of spirituality, self-discovery, and the power of dreams.

Where is Steve at the beginning of the book monster?

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At the beginning of the book "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers, Steve Harmon is in jail, awaiting trial for his alleged involvement in a robbery that resulted in a murder. He is grappling with the uncertainty of his situation and the fear of being wrongfully convicted.

Who is the protagonist in the book game by Walter Dean Myers?

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The protagonist in the book "Game" by Walter Dean Myers is Drew Lawson, a talented basketball player who navigates challenges and tough choices both on and off the court. The story follows his journey as he strives to balance his passion for basketball with the realities of life in Harlem.

What is the simile in Scorpion by Walter Dean?

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In "Scorpions" by Walter Dean Myers, the simile is "the sky was yellow as a lemon." It compares the color of the sky to a lemon using the word "as."

Who are the main characters in the book Monster written by Walter Dean Myers?

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the main characters are Anthony "Spoon" Witherspoon, a seventeen year old who is coming back from his high class prep school to his home in Harlem, and Gabi, his girlfriend, who used to be bright and poetic but is now secretly taking drugs.

Where does the book scorpions by Walter Dean Myers take place?

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The book "Scorpions" by Walter Dean Myers takes place in Harlem, New York City. This setting plays a significant role in shaping the characters' experiences and the challenges they face in the story.

Why did Walter Dean Myers end up publishing his first book?

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Walter Dean Myers published his first book, "Where Does the Day Go?", because he wanted to share stories that reflected the experiences of children in his community. He was inspired by the lack of diverse literature available for African American children and wanted to fill that gap with his own stories. Ultimately, he believed in the power of storytelling to connect with and inspire readers.

From the story 145th Street Short Stories by Walter Dean Myers why does Mack have such a difficult time accepting his injury?

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Mack has a difficult time accepting his injury in the story because it threatens his identity as a talented basketball player and his dreams of a successful future. The injury forces him to confront the possibility of a different path in life that he had not anticipated or desired, leading to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and uncertainty about his future.

What is ironic about his dilemma and the way Walter Dean Myers communicates it to the reader?

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The irony in his dilemma is that Biddy had longed to escape the limitations of living in a small village, only to find herself trapped in a different kind of confinement once she arrives in London. Walter Dean Myers communicates this irony effectively through Biddy's experiences and the contrast between her initial aspirations and her reality.

What genre is the book lockdown by Walter Dean Myers?

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"Lockdown" by Walter Dean Myers is a young adult fiction novel that falls under the genre of realistic fiction. It deals with themes such as friendship, redemption, and the juvenile justice system.

Where was the book fallen angels published?

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The book "Fallen Angels" by Walter Dean Myers was published in the United States by Scholastic Inc. in 1988.

What time period was it in the book Game by Walter Dean Myers?

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The book "Game" by Walter Dean Myers is set in the present day, focusing on the lives of the main characters in a contemporary urban environment.

What does Walter Dean Myers like to write most and why?

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Walter Dean Myers enjoyed writing young adult literature because he believed in the importance of telling stories that resonated with teenagers and addressed pressing societal issues that they faced. He felt a strong connection to young people and aimed to provide them with meaningful and engaging literature that reflected their experiences.

What is the falling action of 145 street by dean Myers?

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In "145th Street" by Walter Dean Myers, the falling action occurs after several interwoven stories set on 145th Street in Harlem reach their climax. The falling action typically involves the resolution of these conflicts and the characters' reflection on the events that have transpired, leading to the story's conclusion.

What are some good quotes in game by Walter Dean Myers?

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Some good quotes from the novel "Game" by Walter Dean Myers include:

  1. "In the game, there are no winners, only survivors."
  2. "Know where you stand. You are either part of the game or part of who is being gamed."
  3. "Life ain't no crystal stair, and the game is just a reflection of that reality."

What do perry's flashbacks to harleem reveal about him and his relationship to his family in the book fallen angels?

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Perry's flashbacks to Harlem reveal that he had a difficult and strained relationship with his family. He experienced poverty, violence, and neglect in his upbringing, leading to feelings of isolation and being disconnected from his family. These experiences have shaped Perry's character and outlook on life as he navigates the challenges of the Vietnam War.

What is the falling action of Monster by Walter Dean Myers?

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The falling action of "Monster" by Walter Dean Myers occurs as Steve Harmon's trial comes to a close and the verdict is reached. It includes the resolution of the story's main conflicts and the impact of the trial's outcome on the characters involved.

What does the character Ducky do in the book slam by Walter Dean Myers?

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In the book "Slam" by Walter Dean Myers, Ducky is Slam's best friend who offers support and advice throughout the story. Ducky helps Slam navigate the challenges of school, basketball, and personal relationships, showing loyalty and friendship.

The beast by Walter Dean Myers summary?

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"The Beast" by Walter Dean Myers is a novel about a Harlem teenager named Anthony "Spoon" Witherspoon who struggles with peer pressure, violence, and self-discovery. Spoon joins a gang to feel a sense of belonging but soon realizes the consequences of his actions and the impact it has on his family and community. Through his journey, Spoon learns about redemption and the importance of making positive choices.

What is the theme of the book shooter?

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The theme of the book "Shooter" by Walter Dean Myers centers around the impact of violence on individuals, particularly young people, and the consequences of easy access to guns. It also explores themes of identity, responsibility, and the complexity of human emotions in the aftermath of a school shooting.