

Watson Crick Franklin and Wilkins

James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, and Maurice Wilkins are credited with discovering the structure of DNA in 1953. Watson, Crick, and Franklin shared the 1962 Nobel Price in Medicine; however, Franklin had passed away so Wilkins co-accepted the award for Franklin.

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Is James randi still alive?

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As of 2014 March, James Randi is still alive.

How did Watson and crick determine the three demensional shape of DNA?

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When Francis Crick began his research, it was still unknown WHERE and HOW genetic codes for life were kept. In other words, nobody knew how a fertilized human egg "knew" to grow into a human while a fertilized rose seed "knew" to grow into a rose -- the location of this genetic information in terrestrial life was speculative at best. Some thought it was in the proteins within cells, others thought it might be in a cell's DNA -- a chemical found in all living cells, but for which nobody knew its function.

Linus Pauling of Caltech (along with other co-workers) analyzed x-ray diffraction patterns of proteins, and was able to surmise that each had a helical structure. He was thus on his way to discover the structure of DNA, and might have done so first except (1) he lacked high quality x-ray patterns and (2) he began with a mistaken idea that it was a triple helix.

Both he and Francis Crick surmised that any genetic code needed to be stable over many years, and thus the structure of this code had to involve very strong chemical bonds. They also both knew that DNA consisted of four amino acids, and that two of these were always found to be equal in volume to two others. The question then became HOW these amino acids combined.

When Crick and Watson observed the high quality "Photo 51," they observed a helical pattern for DNA, and were even able to make a rough estimate of its size. This was despite the fact that Dr. Franklin vehemently disagreed with their analysis.

The two of them made a model of DNA based on their hunches, but this model turned out to be embarassingly wrong -- something Franklin was able to note in a matter of minutes. They had placed molecules on the outside of DNA that, if the molecules had come in contact with water, the DNA structure would have collapsed.

Changing the basic structure so that these molecules were on the inside, C & W were able to make a model that fit all the requirements noted above. A few months later they speculated that the genetic code for all Earth life was "recorded" in the structure of DNA. Within a few years, they were shown to be correct.

When did Watson and crick's make their discovery?

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Their results were published in April of 1953.

What did the pattern of the X-ray photo of rosaland Franklin tell Watson and crick about the structure of DNA?

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James Watson, upon viewing Photograph 51, immediately surmised that DNA had a helical shape. From this start, he and Francis Crick were able to build a model of the shape of the DNA molecule.

What did Wastson and Crick use to figure out the structure of DNA?

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Mostly X-ray diffraction patterns, basic knowledge of chemistry (neither were chemists), and simple guess work. There exists a bit of controversy over how much credit they (and others) should be given for this discovery.

Is anything named after James Watson?

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In general, there are three ways to get something important named for you:

1) Found the organization, such as Oral Roberts University.

2) Pay for the organization or building, or least pay enough to get your name on it; such as Donald Trump Towers.

3) Accomplish something of such merit to have others put your name on it.

In the sciences, the latter means is usually only done after someone dies; and James Watson is still alive. Einstein, for instance, did not have an element named for him until a few month after he died.

What are Watson and Crick contribution to science?

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they have found out the current DNA model in 1953

What got Watson and crick banned from the race?

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because they used other team's information to build their models . which is the structure of DNA