

Wendy Mass

Wendy Mass is the author of numerous young adult and children's books. Her well-known works include A Mango Shaped Space, Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life, Every Soul a Star, Leap Day, The Candymakers, 11 Birthdays, 12 Finally, and 13 Gifts.

500 Questions

What was the main conflict in the story finally by Wendy mass?

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In "Finally" by Wendy Mass, the main conflict revolves around the protagonist Rory's struggle with the idea of growing up and facing the changes that come with it. Rory must navigate her feelings about leaving childhood behind, while also grappling with the pressure to conform to societal expectations and responsibilities. Ultimately, the story explores themes of self-discovery and embracing the journey of growing up.

What is the plot summary in the book finally 12 written by Wendy Mass?

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Do you remember when your parents used to tell you "wait until you're 12" or "waiting until you're 16"? You were, no doubt, just like Rory Swenson and created a list of things you would "someday" be able to do or have. FINALLY, that day has arrived for Rory.

Being 12, means being on the edge of her teen years. Rory can hardly sleep the night before. She's thinking of her list - getting a cell phone, getting her ears pierced, getting a pet, and getting to go to her first boy/girl party. Those are just a few of the things she is excited about finally being about to do.

Let's take the cell phone. She can't believe it's true when she finds the box that looks like it's her dream come true. Imagine her disappointment when she opens it to find a cell phone, but not the one she's dreamed of. Instead, this is an ugly thing with two buttons. Count them! Just two buttons! One to call home and the other to call 911. WT*! Leave it to her parents to give her her second present which is a box filled with cell phone brochures and calling plans. They confess the two button phone is some sort of sick joke, and then tell her since the phone will be her responsibility, she must investigate all the choices and make a presentation about which are the best and then they'll make the purchase.

Next, imagine Rory getting her cell phone and managing to lose it in 15 minutes before they've even left the mall where it was purchased. Yep, that's how being 12 begins for Rory.

FINALLY is one girl's experience as she reaches the magical age where everything seems possible. Whatever can go wrong, does. There are incidents involving leg shaving, make-up, being home alone, and contact lenses, just to name a few. Author Wendy Mass captures the frustration of pre-teens as they reach the magical time that allows them to begin experiencing tidbits from the grown-up world. FINALLY will have readers laughing, nodding in agreement, and sighing in sympathy as they follow Rory's tale of reaching 12.

Is there a literary test for the Book Jeremy Fink and the Meaning Of Life on acclerated reader?

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Accelerated Reader (AR) is a widely-used reading program that includes a database of quizzes on books which schools can use to assess student understanding. The availability of a quiz for "Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life" on AR would depend on whether it has been specifically included in the AR quiz database. You would need to check with the AR program or your school's librarian to see if a quiz for this specific book is available.

What is the genre of the book finally by wendy mass?

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"Finally" by Wendy Mass is a contemporary fiction novel aimed at middle-grade readers. It explores themes of friendship, family, and growing up in a relatable and engaging way.

What is or are the conflicts in 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass?

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In "11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass, the main conflict revolves around Amanda and Leo being stuck in a time loop, reliving the same day over and over again. This leads to misunderstandings, broken friendships, and personal growth as they try to break the curse by overcoming their differences and working together.

What is the conflict of every soul a star?

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The conflict in "Every Soul a Star" revolves around three teenagers who must navigate their personal desires and ambitions against the backdrop of a solar eclipse that brings them together at the Moon Shadow Campground. Each character faces internal conflicts related to their identities, relationships, and aspirations as they come to terms with change and growth.

What figurative language is used in 13 gifts by Wendy Mass?

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"13 Gifts" by Wendy Mass uses various types of figurative language like similes, metaphors, personification, and imagery to create vivid descriptions and evoke emotions in readers. Some examples include comparing characters to animals, using objects to represent emotions, and painting detailed pictures with words.

What is an example of figurative language in the book 11 Birthdays?

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In the book "11 Birthdays," an example of figurative language is when the characters describe an intense feeling of disappointment as "a gut-wrenching punch in the stomach." This comparison helps readers understand the depth of the emotion experienced by the characters.

What is Tara's role in the book 13 Gifts by Wendy Mass?

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In the book "13 Gifts" by Wendy Mass, Tara is a supporting character who is friends with the main character, Tara Brennan. She is part of the group of friends who help Tara on her birthday adventure, and she provides support and friendship throughout the story.

What are 2 similes in the book every soul a star?

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Here are two examples of similes in the book "Every Soul a Star" by Wendy Mass:

  1. "Heard a tree fall in the forest; it was a distant, bloated explosion."
  2. "Behind them, a glistening expanse of smooth granite lay like a gift from the ancients."

What is the theme of the book every soul a star?

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The theme of "Every Soul a Star" revolves around self-discovery, friendship, and the interconnectedness of individuals. The story follows three main characters who come together during a solar eclipse and learn to navigate their personal challenges while also realizing the impact they have on each other's lives.

What are the rising actions in the book the candymakers by Wendy Mass?

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In "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass, the rising actions include the four main characters working together to create their candy creations for the contest, the mystery surrounding Logan and the missing formula, the increasing tension among the characters as secrets are revealed, and the unexpected twists that challenge their friendship and trust.

What genre is 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass?

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"11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass is a contemporary fiction novel for middle-grade readers. It combines elements of realistic fiction, fantasy, and a touch of magical realism as it follows two characters who are stuck in a time loop on their shared birthday.

Is there a poem for Jeremy Fink and the meaning of Life?

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The state of being which begins with generation, birth, or germination, and ends with death; also, the time during which this state continues; that state of an animal or plant in which all or any of its organs are capable of performing all or any of their functions; -- used of all animal and vegetable organisms., Of human beings: The union of the soul and body; also, the duration of their union; sometimes, the deathless quality or existence of the soul; as, man is a creature having an immortal life., The potential principle, or force, by which the organs of animals and plants are started and continued in the performance of their several and cooperative functions; the vital force, whether regarded as physical or spiritual., Figuratively: The potential or animating principle, also, the period of duration, of anything that is conceived of as resembling a natural organism in structure or functions; as, the life of a state, a machine, or a book; authority is the life of government., A certain way or manner of living with respect to conditions, circumstances, character, conduct, occupation, etc.; hence, human affairs; also, lives, considered collectively, as a distinct class or type; as, low life; a good or evil life; the life of Indians, or of miners., Animation; spirit; vivacity; vigor; energy., That which imparts or excites spirit or vigor; that upon which enjoyment or success depends; as, he was the life of the company, or of the enterprise., The living or actual form, person, thing, or state; as, a picture or a description from the life., A person; a living being, usually a human being; as, many lives were sacrificed., The system of animal nature; animals in general, or considered collectively., An essential constituent of life, esp. the blood., A history of the acts and events of a life; a biography; as, Johnson wrote the life of Milton., Enjoyment in the right use of the powers; especially, a spiritual existence; happiness in the favor of God; heavenly felicity., Something dear to one as one's existence; a darling; -- used as a term of endearment.

How old is Lizzy in Jeremy fink and the meanig of life?

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In the book "Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life" by Wendy Mass, Lizzy is 12 years old.

What are the character traits of Amanda Ellerby in 11 birthdays?

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Amanda Ellerby in "11 Birthdays" is portrayed as responsible, caring, and determined. She is shown as a loyal friend who values her relationships and is willing to make sacrifices for her loved ones. Amanda also demonstrates resilience and a positive attitude in overcoming challenges.

What is the climax of the candymakers?

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The climax of "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass is when the four main characters work together to solve the mystery of the missing candy recipe, and they uncover the truth about what really happened on the day of the candy contest. This pivotal moment brings resolution to the story and changes the characters' lives.

Is The Candymakers by Wendy Mass a good book for a book report?

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Yes, "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass is a popular and well-loved book suitable for a book report. It has an engaging plot with interesting characters and themes that can provide ample material for analysis and discussion in a book report. Many readers have found it enjoyable and worth exploring in further depth.

What is the theme of the book 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass?

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The theme of "11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass revolves around friendship, forgiveness, and the power of second chances. The book explores the idea of breaking free from past mistakes and learning to appreciate the present moment.

Isin't 11 Birthdays by Wendy Mass the best book?

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Some readers may enjoy "11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass, but whether it is the best book is subjective and varies from person to person based on individual preferences and tastes in literature. It is always great to find a book that resonates with you personally.

How many awards has Wendy Mass received?

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As of my last update, Wendy Mass has received multiple awards for her work in children's literature, including the Schneider Family Book Award and the Newberry Honor.

Who won the contest in the book Candymakers?

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Miles won the contest in the book "The Candymakers" by Wendy Mass.

In the book Jeremy Fink and the meaning of life where did they find the keys?

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In "Jeremy Fink and the Meaning of Life," Jeremy and Lizzy find the keys hidden in various places around New York City. They follow clues left by Jeremy's father before he passed away to locate the keys, which are necessary to open a mysterious box that Jeremy receives on his 13th birthday.

What are the 13 gifts in 13 gifts?

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1: a name and a family unit and a comfort object

2: N/A

3: N/A

4: A jacket with buttons down the back

5: N/A

6: N/A

7: N/A

8: A jacket that buttons down the front with a pocket

9: Bike

10: Haircut

11: Package with underwear (girls) or pants (boys)

12: Job assignment (or selection)

What other book connect with the 11 birthdays by Wendy Mass?

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Other books that connect with "11 Birthdays" by Wendy Mass include "Finally" and "13 Gifts." These books are part of the Willow Falls series and follow the lives of the same group of friends in the same town.