

Wesley Snipes

Native to the Bronx in New York, Wesley Snipes went to school in hopes of entering musical theater. His plans went awry when his mother decided to move the family to Florida. After being spotted by an agent, he was given a part in the movie Wildcats. This led him into other Hollywood productions, and he became known for tougher roles. He now tends to play in movies such as Blade and New Jack City.

343 Questions

What is is wesley snipes email?

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Asked by Wiki User

This celebrity has not and most likely will not show their e-mail. It may occur as to several reasons why this person members have not published their e-mail address:

1. Stalkers

Stalkers may find out more and more information about the members if they hacked into their e-mail and possibly find out where they live. With that, it would be a harder life for all of them if one of their fans posted their e-mail on their blog or such.

2. Hackers

Hackers may use illegal programs to use for online purposes. Example: Someone could steal my e-mail and use it to make an account here.

3. E-mailing Mess

If fans found out the e-mail, this person would most likely get thousands of e-mails per week asking several questions in which should not be asked, such as "Where do you live?". With several e-mails needed to be deleted, he/she could accidentally delete an e-mail telling about their business, and would have to spend hours trying to find the e-mail again.

These are some hypotheses as to why a celebrity has never revealed one member's e-mail. So please do not ask a question like this or it may lead to being reported or banning.

Are Omar epps and wesley snipes related?

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Asked by Wiki User

who cares....they are both rich and famous...........and I'm answering this stupid question with nothing better to do.

What is Wesley Snipes' daughter's name?

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Asked by Wiki User

Iset Jua-T Snipes is the daughter of Wesley Snipes.

Where is Wesley Snipes mother?

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Asked by Wiki User


Does wesley snipes appear in Michael Jackson's bad video?

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Asked by Wiki User

Yes, he played Darryl's (Michael) old friend Mini Max.

What is wesley snipes ethnicity?

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Asked by Wiki User

African American

Is wesley snipes handsome?

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Asked by Wiki User

i guess

What are Wesley Snipes' parent's names?

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Asked by Wiki User

Wesley Snipes is the son of Marian and Wesley R. Snipes.

Did Wesley Snipes have an accident to his eye if so when and what happen?

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Asked by Wiki User

I am pretty sure he had a boating accident. His left eye is slightly more closed that his right. It is not lazy it does not go to the left or right, it is just closed more. You can even notice this in the blade movie where is he is against Deacon Frost. You can expect to see his eye after Whistler gets beat up and then blade fine sand and give him his gun.

Why are there so many people asking about Wesley Snipes' email address?

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Asked by Wiki User

This question is part of an Internet "scavenger hunt".