

Yes or No Questions

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10 Questions

Is it illegal to rap girls or boys?

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Asked by Abigail Gray

Yes, it is illegal to rape both girls and boys. Rape is a serious crime that involves non-consensual sexual intercourse or penetration, regardless of the gender of the victim. It is a violation of someone's rights and can have serious physical and psychological consequences.

Am I hugly?

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Asked by Yareisi Gonzalez Ramos _ Student - BrentwoodES

You are not "hugly." Remember that beauty is subjective and everyone has their own unique qualities that make them special. Focus on embracing and loving yourself just as you are.

What is the answer True or False Emma Watson kissed Daniel Radcliffe?

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Asked by lucie_hajdukova

False. Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe, who starred together in the Harry Potter film series, did not kiss each other on or off screen. Their relationship was strictly platonic.

Why did a person feel things that she/he should not feel?

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Asked by Alicia Bernadette Tan

People may feel things they believe they should not feel due to societal expectations, learned behavior, past experiences, or internal conflicts. It is important for individuals to explore these feelings, understand their origins, and work towards acceptance and self-awareness. Engaging in therapy or seeking support from a mental health professional can help in processing and managing these emotions.