

Zodiac Killer

From the inception of his crimes in Riverside county in the 1960's the Zodiac has a permanent place in the history of American serial killers. Known for his taunting letters to police and press and his bizzare costume and unbreakable ciphers, the killer has stumped the best that law enforcement has to offer. Since the publication of Robert Graysmith's New York Times bestseller 'Zodiac Unmasked' there has been a new interest in the case. Using new technology not available to the original detectives, the case has been resurrected in hope of a solution. One of the most recognized killers of our time, Zodiac has spawned no less than three other killers taking his name as their own.

194 Questions

What was the education level of the Zodiac Killer?

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since his identity is not known to day, his education level remains unknown. His code writings imply a high level education and a high IQ or barely no education in the system and an autodidactive education on his own.

If you go by the bestseller true crime book Zodiac by Robert Graysmith the Zodiac (Graysmith names Arthur Leigh Allen) his IQ was in the mid to high 130s and he held several degrees. He was an elementary school teacher until he was fired for inappropriate touching some of his students.

How did people react to the Zodiac Killer?

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The Zodiac Serial Killer terrorized much of northern California in the late 1960s and early 70s. Since his first attacks were on young couples in lovers' lane areas parents would not let their children out at night unsupervised. Later on Zodiac threatened to attack a school bus by, "just shooting out the frunt (sic) tire and picking off the kiddies as they come bouncing out." Because of that threat school bus drivers were instructed to just keep driving if anything untoward happened to their bus. In some jurisdictions police cars were assigned to follow the school buses as they picked up or dropped off children.

Did the Zodiac Killer have a job?

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The Zodiac killer got a way to obtain money. It could be a job or a pension. Now, the Zodiac killer was never apprehended so nobody knows what his income source was.

How did they get the picture of the Zodiac Killer?

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Police had a composite drawing based on eyewitness accounts. The only other picture of Zodiac was drawn by Robert Graysmith, an artist for the San Francisco Chronicle which is in his book Zodiac:Unmasked.

Who was the Zodiac Killer's last kill?

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The Paul Stine murder was to become the final confirmed case of the Zodiac killer. He was a taxi driver which picked him up and was later killed by the killer.

Was Zodiac influenced by the Manson murders?

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It is possible that Zodiac may have been influenced by the Manson murders in respect to the message he left at the Lake Berryessa crime scene on September 27, 1969. After stabbing Brian Hartnell and Cecelia Shepard Zodiac wrote the dates of a past killing and the current attack on the side of Hartnell's Carmen Ghia. The Lake Berryessa attack occurred less than two months after the Tate-LaBianca murders in Southern California. Manson's minions left messages written in the victim's blood at both crime scenes and at the previous murder of music teacher Gary Hinman.

What did the Zodiac Killer say in his letters?

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it was mostly ego rising writing putting his cleverness over the police department ability to handle and the such. He began writing things like Bites had to die, there will be more. That was the only thing one of his first letters said. He also wrote bloody poems of his work and what he had in his decrepit mind. He also wrote letters letting the police know he was the zodiac killer and would tell things about the murders no other person would know. The most interesting things he mailed the police was the codes. They were very intricate and depicted a high level of education and IQ

In which state did the Zodiac Killer murder his victims?

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The state in which the Zodiac Killer took his victims' lives is in California. The Zodiac Killer took his victims' lives in various cities in Northern California: Benicia, Vallejo, Lake Berryessa, and San Francisco.

Who is the Zodiac Killer cryptography?

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If you mean who decoded the Zodiac's cipher, his name is Corey Starliper from Massachusetts. Using what is called a Caesar Code, which is a substitution type code where the encoder has replaced letters with the letter that is three places further down the alphabet.

Was there a pattern to the Zodiac Killer's victims?

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With few exceptions there was*. Zodiac usually targeted couples or for lack of a better word, 'lovers lane' couples. Either parked in cars or isolated areas where young lovers could be alone. Although attacking male and female, the target seemed to be the girl. It would seem the killer had a problem with intimacy between heterosexual couples.

His choice of victims though, did not seem to be related to their astrological signs. But his crimes came on or near celestial events such as summer/winter solstice, equinoxs, phases of the moon and planetary alignments.

It is also true that Zodiac's crimes reflected school holidays, which came as no surprise to detectives. They suspected Zodiac may have possibly been a school custodian, ect.

*Paul Stine, the San Francisco cab driver did not fit into the 'couples MO'. But there was a distinct reason for his murder. Zodiac, if nothing else, was intelligent. Stine's murder was to derail the investigation by breaking the pattern. It also added to the confusion of compiling evidence between different cities and counties. Even to this day there are complications when multiple police agencies decline to share information with each other.

Are there pictures of suspects of the Zodiac Killer?

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Only sketches of the Zodiac killer with the black hood with the golden symbol. The zodiac killer was never aprehended so the authorities doesn't have any pictures.

Any recent news on the Zodiac Killer?

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A woman came forward claiming to be the Zodiac killer's daughter. She was the same woman who recently claimed to be the illegitimate daughter of President John F. Kennedy. Obviously her story is nonsense, as none of the witnesses to the Zodiac's crimes ever described him as traveling in a motorcade.

After more than 30 years of scrutiny, Rick Marshall has finally been dismissed as a Zodiac suspect.

There are 2 suspects that the authorithies are paying close attention to. One is a person named Gareth Penn and the other is or was named Jack Tarrance.

How does the Zodiac Killer kill?

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If Cheri Jo Bates' murder is included, the Zodiac was active as early as October 30, 1966. So it is entirely possible that he could still be living, but quite elderly. Until the time that he is identified we won't know the how and why of his death.

Who was Donald Lee Bujok?

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a suspect in the zodiac case, he was born in 1936 in Roundup, Montana, he matches the description of the zodiac killer, he was in the army in the 1950's, he was on Parole on December 17, 1968, 3 days before the murder of David Faraday and Betty Lou Jenson. His mugshot and fingerprints were sent to the SFPD for analysis, he has yet to be ruled out as a suspect.

Why was the Zodiac Killer a big hit in the 20th century?

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There is no denying that post WWII America was innundated with serial killers, the Zodiac was just one of many in a growing problem of stranger murder. The Zodiac got his share of press coverage, mostly due to his ciphers sent to police and press. He was unlike any other serial killer to date. The fact that he was not caught just added to the mystery of Zodiac. Almost half of a century since his crimes began, Zodiac is still one of the most recognized serial killers in history.

Is the Zodiac Killer dead now 2009?

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If you believe as police do, that Arthur Leigh Allen was the Zodiac, then yes, he's dead. Allen died in 1992 in his home in Vallejo, CA.

What does it mean when a zodiac symbol appears on your house window?

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i believe that means the Zodiac Killer is still alive

Is the Zodiac Killer still alive and in Oklahoma?

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Possibly, however the suspect who was believed to be the Zodiac, Arthur Leigh Allen, died of natural causes in 1992. So most likely, no. The Zodiac is not wandering around Oklahoma.

The Zodiac Killer of California had special shoes why could the police not trace them to the killer?

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Asked by Rumba

At one of the crime scenes the killer left some very distinctive boot prints. The boots were made for enlisted men and could only be acquired through a military PX. I thought this would be a big lead, but maybe it was too vast to try to backtrack. But there was a military base in Vallejo, the backyard to most of the murders.

Interesting fact:The boots were actually called 'wing walkers' and were used by the soldiers that worked or flew military planes. The name wing walker was an apt name, as they had special treads on the soles for the maintainence men that had to walk out onto the planes' wings and not slip off.

What happened to the people the Zodiac Killer injured?

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They eventually recovered. Michael Mageau, once released from the hospital spent years in Europe, getting as far away from the experience as he possibly could.

Why was the Zodiac Killer named the Zodiac Killer?

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This was a name that the killer chose for himself. No specific reason was ever given why but many have speculated on various reasons why he may have chosen this name. Because of the timing of his attacks and letters he apparently understood astrology.

The killer is thought to have modeled certain elements of his MO upon the villain of Charlie Chan at Treasure Island (1939). The villain of this film was named Zodiac, taunted the police and had many other similarities.

According to the bestseller Zodiac by Robert Graysmith the Zodiac may have based his name on a character in a book called The Most Dangerous Game. This book was published in 1924 and the villain of the story was named General Zaroff. A movie with the same name was made in 1932.

On August 1, the Vallejo Times-Chronicle, the San Francisco Examiner and the San Francisco Chronicle received near-identical letters from the Zodiac in which he took credit for the murders, proving his guilt by stating several facts about the crime scenes, such as what the victims were wearing, how their bodies were positioned and what brand of ammunition he used. The only signature was the Zodiac's symbol.

Who are the Zodiac Killer's parents?

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It depends on which Zodiac your talking about. The original Zodiac from California, or the several killers that took the name after him. If Robert Graysmith (author of Zodiac and Zodiac:Unmasked) is correct, the California killer, Arthur Leigh Allen's parents were Ethan and Bernice Allen of Vallejo CA. The New York Zodiac, Eddie Seda, mother's name Carmen Gladys Alvarado.

What do the Zodiac Killers symbols mean?

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Zodiac's ciphers have always been open to interpretation. He used a combination of symbols which had different meanings to different people. The crosshair symbol is used in targeting nuclear weapons to military personnel. Other symbols could be used by pilots determining weather, to jewelers and some very specific symbols used by postal workers of the North Station Office in White Plains. Some symbols could represent the astrological Southern Cross inscribed in an ellipse.

Zodiac also used chemistry formulas and symbols, giving weight to the theory that the Zodiac was intellegent, most likely having earned a college degree. At the very least he was well-read on a variety of subjects.

What was the message on the Zodiac Killer cipher which Corey Starliper deciphered?

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A long story short, according to Corey Starliper, the cipher is a confession of long-time suspect Arthur Leigh Allen. I have included a link below for a more detailed account.