No. The extinct Tasmanian tiger, more correctly known as the Thylacine, was not megafauna. Megafauna is defined as mammals weighing at least 45 kg or 100 pounds. Adults Tasmanian tigers weighed 15-30 kilograms, or 33 to 66 lb. They are usually also those animals which died off over 10000 years ago - and the Tasmanian tiger has only become extinct in the last 100 years.
No. The now-extinct Thylacine, was not megafauna. Megafauna is defined as mammals weighing at least 45 kg or 100 pounds. Adults Tasmanian tigers weighed 15-30 kilograms, or 33 to 66 lb. They are usually also those animals which died off over 10000 years ago - and the Tasmanian tiger has only become extinct in the last 100 years.
The Thylacine (or Tasmanian Tiger is extinct). Also all Australian megafauna is extinct.
Tasmanian tigers, or thylacines, went extinct in the early 20th century.
No. Tasmanian tigers only lived in the continent of Australia and part of New Guinea.
Both wallabies and Tasmanian Tigers (Thylacines) are mammals, specifically marsupials. Tasmanian Tigers are believed to be extinct, and many species of wallaby are heading in the same direction, due to man's interference.
Tasmanian tigers, more properly known as Thylacines, were at the top of the food chain. They had no natural predators.
Generally, Thylacines (as Tasmanian tigers were properly called) did not make any sound. They were heard, on occasion, to make a quick yipping sound. Tasmanian tigers were not tigers, so they did not make a tiger-like growl.
There are not, nor have ever been, Tasmanian tigers in Florida. Fossil evidence indicates that Tasmanian tigers only lived in the continent of Australia and part of New Guinea.
Yes. Humans are taller than Thylacines (Tasmanian tigers) were. Adult Tasmanian tigers stood about 50-60 cm (average 59cm) at the shoulder.
Tasmanian tigers, or thylacines, went extinct in the early 20th century.