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yes and no. RGP international sells plastic balls 4.5mm's across of the highest quality, they are meant for industrial oil drill bearings and such and so are very durable and come in high and low densities, the equivalent of .12 and .20 density. These will not however work in any airsoft guns.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

No, they are too small and will double feed andlikelybreak the gun

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βˆ™ 15y ago

1. it might blow up 0_o 2. it will jam and nothing happens 3. you prob wont be able to fit 6mm into a 5mm chamber

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βˆ™ 14y ago

i think your mixing up 12mm with 12grams so i think the answer is yes

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βˆ™ 11y ago

I dont know i googled the same question and this site popped up

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes, any plastic 6mm bbs or pellets will work.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

You mea .20 gram plastic bb's. No they are too wide for 4.5mm metal bb shooting systems.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

No, they are too large to use.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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Q: Can a airsoft gun that uses 12 mm use 6 mm bbs?
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Can you use bb gun bbs in a airsoft gun?

No it's not designed to do it.

Can a tar 21 airsoft gun use bbs?

It cannot use metal bb's. It will A: break the gun or B: get you arrested.

Do you use bbs or pellets with a airsoft gun?

pellet=no bb's= 6mm plastic not copper.

Can you shoot metal bbs from an L96 airsoft sniper?

No, if you are talking about bb's for a BB gun. The BB's for an air rifle or BB gun wont even stay in a Magazine for an airsoft gun. Airsoft BB's are 6mm, air rifle bb's are much smaller. You will ruin an airsoft gun with the smaller metal bbs. But you can get aluminum 6mm pellets for an airsoft gun.

Can you use 12 g airsoft bbs for a gun that uses 2 gs?

Yes. .12 grams is the weight of the BB, not the size. Almost all airsoft guns use 6mm BBs. .20 gram BBs are heavier and reduce distance and velocity, but increase accuracy. .12 gram BBs will fire with more velocity, but there will be more spin on the BB and less accuracy.

What size bbs do a dpms carbine rifle airsoft gun use?

it was 3'4 ft long.

Can you put 12 gram bbs in a .20 gram airsoft gun?

never use .12 bbs. they are very inaccurate. Buy some .20 tsd tactical bbs, never use crosman

If you got a KWC Smith and Wesson Airsoft Gun and the instructions say don't use low quality bb's or it will damage the gun can you still buy bb's from Walmart and use them?

Which one is more expensive? Your airsoft guns or BBs? Buy only good quality BBs!

Can you use metal 6MM BBS with a crosman stinger p311?

No, they are too small and will jam the gun. Never try to use metal bbs in airsoft guns or vice versa.

Can you use caliber bbs for airsoft guns?

you can not use metal bbs in airsoft guns at all. they are not compatible because they are both built differently.