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Yes they can because their legs have sensors on them and that then navigates the wind speed and where the wind is coming from.

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Q: Can crickets tell when its windy?
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Are crickets nocturnal?

Crickets are nocturnal because they are awake at night. You can tell that they are nocturnal by listening to them when they call a mate.

Can crickets tell the temperature by listening to their chirp?

yes even outside

Do crickets have crickets or does katydids have crickets?

crickets have crickets and katydids have katydids

What is the comparative of windy?

it means it is windy just windy

What is windy in Spanish?

Windy, it is windy, Hace viento in Spanish.

What is a sentence for windy?

It is very windy outside today.Scotland is a bit windy.

What could crickets tell us about temperature?

When its cold, they stay in their homes, when it's warm or hot, they come out.

Can windy be pronounced in 2 ways?

Yes - It can either be pronounced windy - as in 'The weather was more windy today', or windy as in 'The road was more windy than he expected'

How do you tell the difference between a grasshopper and cricket?

Usually grasshoppers are greenish brownish crickets are pure brown. Plus, grasshoppers jump higher

What do crickets do in the daytime and what do they eat?

crickets eat other bugs and lettus. and grasshoppers eat grass and carrots and broccolli. crickets in the daytime hunt for food and eat each other if food is scarce and also will fight grasshoppers i had a pet grsshopper we name him hoppy then we let him go now we have crickets and im going to keep them tell the end of the school year my friend cyrus had found him at the bus stop i now kepp 13 crickets in my bedroom it is hard keeping grasshoppers/crickets and there are many ways they are different

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What was it like in Kansas?

windy windy