Leopard geckos eat... crickets, meal worms, wax worms, butter worms, silk worms and occasionally small mice.
Eels can and do eat worms. They also eat shrimp, small crustaceans, crickets, blood worms, and smaller fish. They can also eat frogs.
salamanders eat crickets or they eat meal-worms but meal-worms are your best option
No they eat crickets and meal worms and wax worms no vegetables.
It eats crickets,wax worms and meal worms
NO, they eat various insects such as crickets and they also eat some types of worms, for example wax worms.
Where I come from, we fish for bream with crickets...or worms.
Anole lizards eat crickets and worms.
They're insectivores so they eat wax worms, meal worms, super worms, flies, moths, and grasshoppers.
It depends on what type of lizard. Most lizards eat meal worms, crickets ,worms and sometimes flies
Anole lizards eat crickets and worms.
meal worms or crickets or dried ants