Crickets have both compound eyes and simple eyes. The black dots that are often confused as being the nostrils are actually the simple eyes.
Dafuq? where do you live?
no dip u dumb a$$
The insect that has eyes in its knees is the praying mantis. These eyes are known as ocelli and help the mantis detect light and movement.
yes,because they both have spread out eyes.
Crickets become slower from intense lighting. Crickets are nocturnal insects, so they feel more active in the absence of light.
Long legs 2 long antanas black eyes
There is a wide range in different types of crickets. There are; Cave crickets, Camel crickets, Spider crickets, Mormon crickets, Jerusalem crickets, House crickets, Field crickets, and Sand treaders. Crickets belong to the animal kingdom and classified as insects. Their phylum is arthropods.
Five Across the Eyes was created in 1999-05.
crickets have crickets and katydids have katydids
yes they do. they also eat crickets and silk worms