Baby frogs usually eat small crickets or small ants. Tadpoles eat algae.
Frogs, adult or tadpoles, eat insects like dragonflies, butterflies, small fishes.
No, legless tadpoles cannot eat flies.Specifically, a tadpole's diet answers to developmental stage. Before developing legs, a tadpole follows a vegetarian diet. Once legs develop, a tadpole is able to digest such insects as small crickets and flies.
long necked turtles eat a variety of foods such as crayfish, tadpoles and fish.
insects i am going to get tadpoles from a Christmas gift and i need to now what it eats and this is what: they eat crickets, fish, snakes (i no!), even small birds!!!!!!! this is what northern leopard frogs eat! insects and small vertebrates.
well see it all started in 1955 when my friend kelly and Stephanie and i were travelling to north of Queensland and because their are all sorts of frogs their we pulled over to have a rest stop and we saw a bell frog i had a piece of corn in my hand and shoved it in the frogs mouth so they eat corn
As tadpoles, they eat mostly plant matter in the water and occasionally small bugs in or on top of the water. adults eat crickets, sragonflies, worms, and other bugs found near ponds
Tadpoles eat plants.
Spotted salamanders in the wild mainly eat termites, crickets, centipedes, and other inverts. they will also eat other small salamanders Captive salamanders can be fed crickets purchased from pet stores.
Algae and other plant matter.
yes,crickets do eat berries.
most crickets eat grass