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Must go to a repair center

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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Q: How do you fix the p218 mini pistol airsoft gun if you drop a beebee in the magazine hole and it gets jamed?
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you can but it gets expensive, also ink may get jamed and mess up the print out.

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You use a key on a door, mabe a jamed locker, a locked box, a diary, ect.

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the problem could be that the enegn is jamed

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The window is jamed, or your wires connecting your button to the window or busted.

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Probably the Thermostat has corroded and jamed. Or the ceramic pipe joins behind the engine are cracked. I would check these.

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many things can couse this. im only 11 but im pretty sure i no what im saying when it could be jamed, things not wired correctly, or obviosly it could be just a simple out of gas. im no engener but see if its jamed or out of fuel. other wise call an engineer. and dont be all picky bout u spend couse if you do nothing gets done and econamy gets worse. =)

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check to make sure the floor mat hasn't jamed under the acellerator holding it down in some way.

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There are so many ways the trunk lid could get jammed the answer to your question is "you have to be there." I would take it to a dealership and have the Mercedes Benz people look at it. I am sure they would know at least what not to do.

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need more information but could be something as serious as a blown piston. Piston could be jammed so the kick starter wont move also.