you simply get your pen and unscrew it all, you need a pen which doesnt go thin on the bit where you write. you get a thick elastic band and put it on your pen covering over 1 open end about 1 cm away from the end. celotape it on with alot of cellotape then get the bit with ink in put it back in pull the elastic back and fire.
u freaking newbthats not how u do it
Just dont
1. Write with it - which is it's intended purpose.2. Make a pen gun.3. For more options go to you tube in search it up.
You will need a set of schematics first and the raw materials.
It is probably the pen gun. It is about the size of a pen. BUT, ity is not very good shooting only about 30 feet. the eliminator is a small gun that gets 60 feetish.
Of course, with the Nerf company expanding, they find more and more ways to make the guns amazing. You can attach almost any gun to another gun. You can find all the latest Nerf newz at
the Nerf dart gun
Perfect or comfortable is the meaning behind snug as a gun.
No one knows what the purpose for the stock pen, theories are that the stock pen was used for extra guns,gun powder etc.
OK, first, you need a golf ball or a tennis and a pen or a pencil. to make the Mic, simply glue gun or tape the golf ball or tennis ball to the pen or pencil, if you really want to get realistic, you can even paint it or paper maché it.
You might try Gun parts Corp.or try the internet,gun stores in your area etc.
A small pen gun and cigarette box gun were the smallest guns used by spies and Underground Resistance warriors.
Good luck getting suspended/expelled.