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Saw off the front sight and the fake charging handle. Unscrew all the screws and pry it apart. Hope it works! :)

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Q: How do you take apart a Double Eagle M83 A2 Airsoft Electric?
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Don't think you can. If you can take yours apart you can paint it.

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It will fall apart over time.

Is there an airsoft aeg for about 20 so that you can learn how to take apart including gearbox?

Check some of the bigger airsoft retail sites - most have a boneyard section where you can buy damaged guns for cheap.

How do youbiuld a airsoft gun?

I suggest that you start by finding old, used, or broken airsoft guns (or your own), and taking them apart, to find out how they work. Then, you would have to find a material to build it out of, such as wood or lego's. After that, all you have to do is put everything together, and hey presto, airsoft gun.

How do you take apart desert eagle 44?

Best left to a gunsmith.

How do you fix your airsoft gun?

Ahh figure out what the problem part is than figure out how to take the gun apart and put it back together from YouTube, an airsoft forum, or from an airsoft website. Than buy the replacement part and put it in the gun. If the gun was bought for under $100 than you would be better off buying a new gun instead.

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Installing a new piston involves taking the gearbox apart, so if you are not confident in your airsmithing skills, take it to a professional.

Why do eagles have such hooked beaks?

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Does the bald eagle have a hooked beak?

yes and they used it like owls they use their hook to rip apart their prey