depends on what you want to do, how heavy the bb is, and what kind of gun it is. i prefer assault rifles to be at least 375 fps with .12g bbs. i would use .25g though. with snipers i like at least 500 fps with .12g but i use .28g. pistols should be 275 or more and use .20. the heavier the bb, the more accurate. let me know what you're looking for and i could help you out
at minimum 330.
In a BB gun (Not airsoft) this is considered very slow.
go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.
A good FPS (Feet Per Second) for an airsoft gun depends on where you will be playing. Typically, FPS between 300-400 is suitable for indoor play, while 400-500 FPS is better for outdoor fields. Check with your local field regulations for specific guidelines.
no. you get what you pay for. a good airsoft gun should be 150 or higher
For 260 FPS and $70.00 get a BE XM8 off of For 330-350 FPS and about $150, get a Classic Army Sportline M-15A4 (M-16)
Well, the legal FPS for an airsoft gun is 450, but you can get snipers, AEG's, etc. that run up to 600 FPS and beyond.
Not bad
The answer depends on if you are using .2 gramm or other ammunition, but yes that is the average fps for a moderate airsoft gun.
I think that the slowest Airsoft guns would have to be those Mini Electic toys that look like small versions of real guns. These are definitely toys that use AA batteries and shoot at about 150 fps with 0.12g BB's.
It has 450 fps
It all depends on the gun and what powers it. Pump. Green gas, C02, Spring. Some fire at 150 FPS some fire at 450 FPS. (Feet per second)