just one level 100.
Not necessarily. If you have the three regis at lv 50 they are the best battle frontier lv 50 team and at lv 100 they make the best lv 100 team as pyramid king Brandon has these Pokemon and he is the strongest frontier leader.
I agree but what i'd like too find, and am searching for is the best team to counteract all pokemon including brandon's regies that are non legendary too put up more of a challange pokemon ive found too be extremely useful were walrein, hitmonchan and metagross. The reason why i chose hitmonchan is obvious his high attack power, and variety of attack moves such as fire punch (etc.). Walrein because he's quite balanced in his attacks say you wana use a moves that reduces spa than he can just transfer too att. and it will go fine. Finaly metagross for his defensive power with iron defense and high att. p.s. if your planning on using a dragon type, and its salamence, catch a few of bagon go to the move tutor's house and check if one of them knows fire fang or thunder fang its a great move to have since salamence is a att. pokemon.
there isn't really a best team i find a team with well balanced types i know the best team to use on the Pokemon league is just a blazeiken and a salamence so that might work on the battle frontier aswel and with that a good water Pokemon and that should work
empoleon,luxray,starraptor,rappidash,haunter and dusclops.
I'd say machamp latios metagross
If it was me, I would use garchomp, floatzel and electabuzz. The best possible team is garchomp, a starter and metagross
you battle in different ways and once you battle one of the five places so many consecutive times you face a frontier brain who are the best at what they do.
Arceus is not on battle frontier!
the new team galitic base and the battle frontier
you have to beat the battle frontier brain
as in battle frontier
No, Pokemon Sapphire Version does not have a Battle Frontier. However, Pokemon Emerald and Pokemon Platinum do have the Battle Frontier.
because i have never been beaten in a Pokemon battle except for the battle frontier. because i am the best