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There are many Airsoft (soft pellet gun) competitions around the world. Enter the words "airsoft competition" without the quotes into your favorite web search engine to find competitions around the world; add the name of your city, state, and/or country to narrow it down to your locale. You might also consult your nearest Airsoft dealer for addresses of Airsoft clubs and other relevant information.

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15y ago
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15y ago

I only know of two places you can play airsoft they are: In your backyard or an airsoft/paintball fields. Youalso want to avoid playing in public areas

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11y ago

There are large airsoft events that take place in militairy training facilites the size of small towns. These are the most realsitic and to some the most fun areas to play in.

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14y ago

you can get a airsoft gun at most sporting goods stores and army navy stores

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14y ago

really now air soft can be played anywhere. (as long as you have money for shipping) but it is very popular in countries like the US and very popular in the UK.

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14y ago

the airsoft grand maneuver in Moscow Russia.(2009)

it had well over 2000 people maybe over 3000

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13y ago

airsofting is not a word...

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Which is fun to play airsoft or paintball?

airsoft is more fun played both airsoft is more realistic

Does redwolf airsoft ship to the UK?

Redwolf Airsoft's FAQ states: "We ship all over the world; from Alaska to Russia. For countries where there exist requirements regarding the appearance of airsoft guns, we will perform the appropriate modifications prior to shipping. For countries and cities where airsoft is illegal, shipping is at the customer¡¦s own risk and RedWolf Airsoft Specialists will not be held liable for seizures by customs. Examples include Australia, Singapore, Korea, and Indonesia."

WHY is a plastic BB gun illegal what about air shot plastic pellets?

Airsoft is legal in many countries. Any gun that shoots plastic pellets are airsoft guns.

Where can you get a ppk CO2 gun in the UK?

There are a lot of online stores that are both based in and ship to the UK. A lot of them require you to have a UK Airsoft Assosciation membersship, or for you to be over 18. Also, many sites where airsoft is played will sell basic Airsoft rifles.

Which airsoft brand is the most reliable airsplat airsofthero reddragon airsoft or airsoft gi?

Airsoft GI

What are good airsoft dealers?

evike, airsoft megastore, airsoft gi

What laws govern airsoft guns?

'''Airsoft Guns - Laws and Regulations''' The risks and consequences of Airsoft gun use have not gone unnoticed by the law. Airsoft is considered illegal in various countries such as Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Singapore, and some countries like Canada prohibit the importation of "replica" Airsoft guns. However, federal importation laws in the United States simply require that all Airsoft guns transported within or imported into the country have barrels with a minimum 6mm wide blaze orange tip, so as to avoid confusion with real firearms. Most retailers of Airsoft guns have disclaimers stating that their Airsoft guns are sold with an orange tip, and that it is illegal to remove the orange tip. Furthermore, individuals in the U.S. must be 18 years of age or older to purchase an Airsoft gun. On the other hand, Airsoft guns are not classified as firearms and are legal for use by all ages under federal law. However, some municipalities and states place restrictions on Airsoft guns. New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, San Francisco, and parts of Michigan outlaw Airsoft guns entirely. Some countries have specific restrictions on Airsoft guns, such as maximum muzzle velocity standards, restrictions on use of trademarks of real firearms, and required use of 'unrealistic' coloring to distinguish Airsoft guns from actual firearms. Finally, states such as California have laws that make it a crime to brandish a look-alike gun in public. Furthermore, individuals using an Airsoft or replica gun to commit crimes will invariably be treated as though they had used an actual firearm.

Where could you get good airsoft attachments?

airsplat, airsoft arms, airsoft megastore

What are good airsoft shops?

Amazon Try an actual site that sells only airsoft like Evike, Airsoft GI, and Airsoft Club.

Do blowback airsoft jam?

All airsoft can jam. Phrase your question better. Such as Does blowback airsoft jam more than spring airsoft?

Where can airsoft accessories be purchased?

There are many locations where airsoft accessories can be purchased. They can be found at Airsplat, Airsoft GI, Airsoft Megastore and through Amazon.

How do you get a airsoft gun from classic armycom?

Classic Army is a major airsoft gun manufacturer. They don't sell straight to the consumer, but rather through airsoft distributors. Airsoft Extreme is the top airsoft shop in the US for Classic Army airsoft guns, but they are also available at many other airsoft shops.