Every first year FFA member( greenhand) must memorize the FFA Creed. The creed was written to join members together with those first two words...I believe. Even those FFA members who are out of high school probably can say at least one of the five paragraphs. To me the creed was the first step, the first time you feel that togetherness. Knowing that you are not alone and that everyone in your class has to get up and say the same thing. Congratulations on wanting to be in the FFA it is truly an amazing experience.
to kinda say what the ffa believes in and what we are about and as the ffa manual says "it is recited by new members to reflect their growing belief in agiculture and agricultural education"
At church we recite the NICENE creed which does not contain this reference. However, when we do recite the APOSTLES creed the current translation is he "descended to the dead". This is intended to note that Jesus came to save all with his victory over death, and in particular to those who died before his victory. In the revised Roman missal in Advent of 2011, this will be changed back to "he descended into hell".
you say it after the magnificant and before the anthem.
well they say in my ffa group that honest wealth is earned through hard work and dedication to get to what you need and you don't count being born into a wealthy has hard work cus your mainly a spoiled brat if you think that's hard work and turkeys grow in trees aliens are real and Chinese people are aliens.
FFA means Free For All. Ex. On Halo someone may say, "Want to play a FFA match"? Add me on XBox Live GT: MLG xSECURITYx
The way you say the creed will depend on the particular creed. There are different creeds that are associated with various religions. The Nicene and ApostleÍs creeds are quite popular.
The creed is the statement of the Catholic and Christian faith. The recitation of the creed at Mass is called the profession of faith. During the creed we profess our belief in the central doctrines of Christianity.
Im quite sure that it is Assasians Creed. Yours truly DR. Drey Romono
You have got to say it at the beginning of each Olympic games.