In A Place Called "The Map"..... :D
The driving distance from Atlanta, GA, USA to Tulsa, OK, USA is 783.45mi / 1260.83km
atlanta Georgia
airsoft atlanta does not currently have any field or location to play a game at. but you can check out ss airsoft where the mall of ga is its it top quality and fun. There is also goldeagle at discovery mills and airdog has two i think.
If you are under 14 you must have parents permission
No but their is an airsoft store in Tulsa which is about an hour away if u want hands on and don't want to buy online
2500 sq foot
About 12 hours according to Google Maps.
CQCAIRSOFT, is an indoor cqb area,, kashiland is a outdoor field.
Yes, they area a reputable dealer.
All airsoft can jam. Phrase your question better. Such as Does blowback airsoft jam more than spring airsoft?
Tulsa race riot happened on 1921-06-01.