Jonas lives in a world that is perfect. Everyone and everything is under-control. There is no fighting, war, fear, or pain. Everyone in the community is assigned a role/job in the Community. When Jonas turns twelve years old, he was the only one in the ceremony to be skipped, he was embarrassed. He was selected to be given a special training by The Giver. The Giver is the only one that holds memories of the true pleasure and pain of life. Now it is time for Jonas to receive the truth about life.♥
In 1950, the 81st Congress of the United States, recognizing the importance of the FFA as an integral part of the program of vocational agriculture, granted a Federal Charter to the FFA.
President Harry Truman granted a Federal Charter, Public Law 740, to the FFA in 1950.
The FFA received a federal charter in 1950 - Public Law 740.
Levy Randolph is the National FFA president.
The FFA magazine is called "FFA New Horizons."
Public Law 81-740 gave FFA a federal charter.
The FFA was founded in 1928 in Kansas City, Missouri.
The National FFA Advisor is Dr. Larry Case.
The National FFA Alumni was founded in 1971.
The FFA colors, National Blue and Corn Gold, were adopted at the National FFA Convention in 1929.
National FFA Week is always held during the week of George Washington's birthday in February.
He was elected the first African-American National FFA officer, becoming the National FFA Secretary in 1974.