1. When the gears aren't in a good condition anymore. It happens when you hear unusual sound within the gearbox when your AEG (Automatic Electric Gun) is shot. The gear/s probably chipped or worn out. You can change only the broken gear (pinion gear, bevel gear, spur gear, or sector gear) or the whole gear set.
2. When you want to upgrade your AEG to a higher rate of fire (RoF). You can upgrade your gear set (the one comes with your AEG is usually 1:8) to 16:1 or 32:1 gear set.
An Airsoft gun
dont they will wear away the gears and will jam your gun
Its a small electric motor with plastic gears.
kwa all the way
go for the m14, unless its cheap looking.
Depending on the mechanism driving the pellet, an airsoft gun can be ... they are at a disadvantage against automatic guns in close combat and do ... In a Tokyo Marui AEG, the motor drives a series of 3 gears mounted inside a gearbox
A used or broken gun that the company or maker has replaced any of the worn or broken parts. It should be cheaper but just as good as a normal airsoft gun
airsoft pistols thats what i started out with then i got shotguns and rifles
no. you get what you pay for. a good airsoft gun should be 150 or higher
depends on what you want to do
get a dictionary