Never. The Secretary of State is an appointed post, not an elected one. Further Daniel Webster was a hold over from President William Henry Harrison's cabinet, as Harrison died in office as president.
Daniel Webster was the Secretary of State appointed by Harrison. He stayed on under the Tyler administration.
No. Daniel Webster (1782-1852) was a US Senator and Secretary of State. Noah Webster (1758-1842) published the first dictionary in 1828.
Daniel Webster
Daniel Webster was the Secretary of State appointed by Harrison. He stayed on under the Tyler administration.
Daniel Webster.
Daniel Webster.
Daniel Webster as the US Secretary of State and Privy Counsellor Alexander Baring for the UK.
Webster :)
It was resolved by the Webster-Ashburton treaty negotiated by Daniel Webster for the US and Privy Counsellor Alexander Baring for the UK.
Daniel Webster was a US lawyer and politician who opposed the Mexican war, favored free trade then supported the new protective tariff. He abhorred slavery but sought compromise, and ended up as Secretary of State from 1850 - 52. He was one of America's greatest orators.