Buy a decent sniper rifle (gas or spring) a scope if it doesn't come with one and then practice.
Yes of course
no, in fact there is no such scope where you can attach another on it, plus it would look stupid
If both pieces have the correct 20mm weaver rail, yes it will mount fine.
No it depends, you need to check the rail size of your rifle, then the sort of rail that the scope can attach to. These are some standard airsoft scopes, check your gun rail size first though!
Mounting an airsoft scope on an actual rifle would actually quite ruin it. Don't do it, because an airsoft scope is notdesigned to take the shock that an actual gun would give it.
if the top of the airsoft gun is spiked back a little and it is as big as a normal scope many you would be able to find a scope for it?????
Have you gone to the maker's website or tried an internet search on airsoft?
On the XBOX 360, yes.
The best you can afford.
the scope is not what you want to worry about, it is the scope mounting rings find rings that will fit to your toy and the scope will mount right on , do not expect the toy to shoot dead on because it is a toy not a real weapon . don't shoot your eye out or anyone Else's eye.