

Best Answer

John Tylers family was: Mary Tyler

Robert Tyler

John Tyler

Letitia Tyler

Elizabeth Tyler

Anne Contesse Tyler

Alice Tyler

Tazewell Tyler

David Gardiner Tyler

John Alexander Tyler

Julia Gardiner Tyler

Lachlan Tyler

Lyon Gardiner Tyler

Robert Fitzwalter Tyler

Pearl Tyler

(allegations of Tyler being the father of John Dunjee have also risen)

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What was John Tylers parents occupation?

his father was the owner of a distinguished plantation.

What is John Tylers whole name?

John Tyler was his full name. He was John Tyler, Jr. while his father was living.

When did John Tylers mom die?

Mary Armistead Tyler died from a stroke in 1834.

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John Tyler became president in 1841 and Letitia Tyler died in 1842

What is tylers name?

President Tyler's full name was John Tyler. he liked aplle pie with crust