John Tylers family was: Mary Tyler
Robert Tyler
Letitia Tyler
Elizabeth Tyler
Anne Contesse Tyler
Alice Tyler
Tazewell Tyler
David Gardiner Tyler
John Alexander Tyler
Julia Gardiner Tyler
Lachlan Tyler
Lyon Gardiner Tyler
Robert Fitzwalter Tyler
Pearl Tyler
(allegations of Tyler being the father of John Dunjee have also risen)
yes its tylers dad
John Tyler has many deceased relatives, and one living grandson.
Phil bob joe and ricky boob
his father was the owner of a distinguished plantation.
John Tyler was his full name. He was John Tyler, Jr. while his father was living.
Mary Armistead Tyler died from a stroke in 1834.
John Tyler became president in 1841 and Letitia Tyler died in 1842
President Tyler's full name was John Tyler. he liked aplle pie with crust