Tyler was the vice president when William Henry Harrison died in office and that is why Tyler became President. In those days, a vacancy in the office of vice president was not filled until the next presidential election.
Tyler served as vice-president for one month and then became president.
John Tyler
John Tyler was the first vice-president to assume the role of president.John Tyler was the first vice-president to assume the role of president.
John tyler was
John Adams was George Washington's vice president. So he was the first vice president!!!
John Tyler.
John Tyler.
The first vice president to take over office was John Tyler.
William Henry Harrison. Tyler was the first vice-president to inherit the office.
The first Vice president to become president is John Tyler the 10th president.
John Tyler was a resident of Virginia when he was elected U.S. Vice President.
John Tyler had no vice-president. Tyler was never elected President. He was William Henry Harrison's running mate in 1840. When President Harrison died shortly after his inauguration, Vice-President Tyler assumed the duties of the presidency. However, the Constitution at that time was unclear whether Tyler only assumed the duties of the president, and kept the title of Vice-President, or whether he actually became President. Also, there was no provision in the Constitution for creating a Vice-President when the former Vice-President took over the duties of the President. So no Vice-President was created while Tyler was acting as President. Tyler's term ended in 1844 and he was not re-elected.