It has stripes and looks like an ordinary tiger. Now extinct, the Bali tiger was the smallest subspecies, males around only 250 pounds.
No. Not if she has a "no bail" hold on her.
bail out
That is the correct spelling for the verb bail, here used as slang to mean leave (from bail out).
Bail can be refunded when that bail has bee posted directly to the court and the and the court has ruled the bail has been exonerated.
Interim bail is bail that has been posted after a release from jail. This bail is posted as a continuance until trial.
If you cannot afford to pay the bail, 99% of the time you can get a bail bondsman. Sometimes, if the bail is not a lot, they won't pay it.
this is called a deposit bail. A bail bond is when you have someone else pay your bail.
bail bonds
In bail bonding, the principle is the defendant for whom the bail is posted.
The bail on this reel is bent.The boat will founder if we do not bail faster. We are fast approaching the place where we will bail out of the airplane. When they arrested me and threw me in jail, I called my Pappy to throw my bail.
No. under UK legislation there is no right to bail, there is however, a presumption in favor of bail.