The only two women to make a serious run at the vice-presidency so far were Geraldine Ferraro (with Walter Mondale) and Sarah Palin (with John McCain).
The Vice President's entire role is: 1) become President if the President dies, 2) preside over the Senate, 3) cast a tie-braking vote in the Senate. 4) help out with whatever the President lets him do. Presidents don't die in office very often, so role #1 is not very important. In practice, the Senate is actually run by the Majority Leader instead of the Vice President, so role #2 is a mere formality and not at all important. Most important Senate work is crafting legislation and voting in committees instead of voting on the Senate floor, and even then, the Vice President cannot vote to end a filibuster, which is realistically the only way to get something through the Senate anyway. Most of the Vice President's power comes from role #4. In other words, the Vice President's power is almost entirely dependent on the whim of the President.
he did that because thomas c platt wanted him out of politics and he wanted to run for vice president so he disliked ti he wanted nothing to do with it
John Adams was George Washington's vice president. So he was the first vice president!!!
His birthday is a state holiday in his home state of Texas. As of 2012, he was the last incumbent President eligible to run for reelection who didn't. He was the last Vice President to vacate the Vice Presidency before ratification of the 25th Amendment to the U. S. Constitution, so he was the last Vice President who was not replaced (before the next Inauguration Day) when he assumed the Presidency after the President's death. As of 2012, he was the last person to complete the term of a President who died in office. The term that he decided not to run for in 1968 ended just two days before his death in 1973. Before he became the Vice President in 1961, he was the Senate Majority Leader. His Vice Presidency immediately followed Richard Nixon's Vice Presidency, but Nixon's Presidency immediately followed his Presidency. His widow, Lady Bird Johnson lived until 2007, to the age of 94½. After her passing, an Austin lake was renamed in her honor.
I did some research and it turns out that they can only serve 2 years in office after their 8 years in office as a vice president. Totaling the years that they can serve at 10. So there would be no point to try to run for the presidency after 8 years in the vice presidency. This is a newer law that is not known by most including me until today.
Nine Vice Presidents has ascended to the Presidency upon the death or resignation of the President. Eight of the nine were voted into the Vice Presidency (one was appointed), and four of the eight later won a Presidential election (so there have been five U.S. Presidents who never won a Presidential election).
Johnson was the vice president when Lincoln died and so succeeded to the presidency in accordance with the US Constitution.
He was the first president who got into office not by vote, but by the president dying (William Henry Harrison).
Answer: I the inauguration and in January but it takes a while into they really start getting the hang of the presidency so this results in an inaugaration so that they could start becoming president.
Tyler was Vice President under William Henry Harrison. Harrison died a month after his inauguration, so Tyler ascended to the Presidency.
John Tyler, Fillmore, Andrew Johnson, and Chester Arthur were vice-presidents who moved up to president when the president died. In those days, a vacant vice-presidency was not filled until the next presidential election, so these men had no vice-president and were not re-elected as president so they never had a vice-president. ( Theodore Roosevelt, Calvin Coolidge ,Harry Truman and Lyndon Johnson also moved up to president from vice-president and so lacked a vice-president for their first term,but all were elected to a second term and had a vice-president then. )Nowaday there is a process for getting a new vice-president if the President dies.