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yes but they dont want to

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Q: Can an Airport Express be used with another brand of wireless router?
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Is airport express a wireless router or wireless access point?


How do you get wireless internet to your apple laptop?

First, you need to have a wireless router. Second, install an airport card to the laptop.

Do you need wireless router or wireless modem is enough for wireless internet connection if you have cable internet?

wireless modem is called that because it has a wirelss router built in. wireless router just a wireless router. if your cable is not wireless you can buy a wireless router or a cable modem with wireless router

Do you need a wireless router to connect a wireless adaptor?

yes or you could link to another persons

What is the purpose a wireless router?

Some devices (like the Nintendo DS) use wireless connection instead of wired for on-line usage, which means you need a wireless router. A laptop is an another example that often uses a wireless router to get on the internet instead of a wired connection.

You have 2 computers you want connected to the modem and one wireless what do you use?

a wireless modem means it has a wireless router built in. A wireless router means just a wireless router. if your modem is not wireless, you will need just a wireless router

Which is better Wireless Router or Wireless AP?

It is most definitely a wireless router.

Is a Time Warner cable wireless router a wireless N router?

it says it on the router

Can an airport capable mac computer work with a Netgear wireless router?

Yes, I'm using one right now to answer this question from my kitchen table (my laptop) to my wireless router (family room downstairs where the cable modem is located.)

Do you need a wireless router and a wireless modem?

Can a different computer work with wireless from another computer?

Yes but please don't do that. Use a wireless switch or router.

What device can act as a router switch and wireless access point in one package?

Nowadays virtually any wireless router. When you get a router you usually have about 4 lan ports (switch) and wireless router in the same box.