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Unfortunately, you can't like Bambadee. That was just a fictional story, but maybe in the future you can. It's October 1, 2010 when I wrote this, so I hope the future holds Rockhopper Island! Thanks~ Cutieoftn

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Q: Can you sneak on roCKhoppers ship when he leaves AND STOWAy?
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How do you stow away on rockhoppers ship?

you have to be on his ship when he leaves

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First find out when Rockhopper leaves then get on the ship and wait in the ship till he leaves. I've been in the island so I know. But How DO You Get Back?

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Rockhoppers ship was fixed in 2008 with the help of various penguins.

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Captain Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.

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the only way you can get on the ship is if he is visiting the island

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What is the name for rockhoppers ship?

Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.

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on the front of rockhoppers ship its a puffle. rockhopper introduced the red puffle it was the second puffle to come (the first was blue)

What is the name of rockhoppers ship on clubpenguin?

Rockhopper's ship is called the Migrator.

What is captain Rockhopper's ship?

Captian Rockhoppers ship is called the Migrator.

What is the name of Captain Rockhoppers ship on clubpenguin?

Rockhopper's ship is the Migrator.