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yes u can you need to make sure to put ultimate chat on when you sign up though

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Q: Can you ultimate chat if your not a member on Club Penguin?
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How do you get the speaking bar in club penguin?

Your penguin has to be in "safe chat" mode, not "ultimate safe chat" mode.

Why can't I type on Club Penguin?

you are on ultimate safe chat.

How do you go from safe chat to free chat on club penguin?

when you sigh up it says safe chat or ultimate chat

How do you unlock the chatbox on club penguin?

When you make your penguin, make sure the dot is on Standard Safe Chat, DO NOT have it on Ultimate Safe Chat.

How can you tell if the server you are in is an ultimate safe chat mode or a standard safe chat mode in club penguin?

In ultimate safe chat there is a speech bubble on the sever you click on.

What does ultimate safe chat on club penguin mean?

It means that you can't type any thing in the chat bar.

How do you take ultimate safe chat off on club penguin?

To turn the ultimate safe chat off you need to log into the parent zone and select safe chat mode.

Can you change from Ultimate safe chat to Safe chat on Club Penguin?

Yes you can, You need a parent account, click on your penguin then settings then you can change, hoped this helped (:

How can you change Ultimate Safe Chat to Standard Chat in Club Penguin?

Get a parent account and change it from there.

On club penguin I used to be able to chat but now I can't even when I'm not on a safe chat server what happened how can I chat again?

Well that is because when you create your penguin, you might put it in Ultimate Safe Chat Which let you NOT chat. Because Club Penguin wants you don't say Bad Words.

Can you get speech bar if you havent got it club penguin?

Yep! If your penguin is on a Parent Account, simply change the chat settings. Change it to Safe Chat instead of Ultimate Safe Chat!