I believe it is not when you are arrested but when you are actually booked into a jail. There is a chance the guards of officers will not just flat out offer you this call. It is up to you to demand your right for that phone call.
Any person who is under the age of 18, has their parents called. Over 18's, the person who has been arrested gets to choose who their phone call goes to.
to call people
You can call people.
To call people.
by using a phone
if your laptop has a camera you can call in oovoo..
call people! :D
to call people on the go
You will not get arrested for accidentally calling 999, especially if your phone is locked and you forgot the password. If you press the emergency call and it instantly calls 999, simply tell the operator what happened and that you are sorry for the mistake.
for s**ts and giggles which will end up getting them arrested
To call people... and to text people... ;)
you will not get arrested , is just everyone will get a fake number