Exactly how you have done it here. Simply type in your question. We (there are thousands of us) will try to answer.
Difficult or complex questions may take some time.
You can ask a question on Wiki Answers by typing it into the green bar at the top of the website. Just like what you did to ask this question. It should come up with an answer. If not, check there aren't alternative questions that ask the same thing. To do this look under: "Is this your question?" This will only appear if there is not a direct answer to your question.
She told you to ask the question. Well, you didn't ask the question so she asked the question. But it's your fault if you don't know for sure if she asked the question.
You can ask a question on your phone by simply going to the site in which you want to ask a question and then you click on the ask question button and then you post your question.
you don't have to ask a question
You can ask a question on your phone by simply going to the site in which you want to ask a question and then you click on the ask question button and then you post your question.
That is a question you must ask your doctor.That is a question you must ask your doctor.That is a question you must ask your doctor.That is a question you must ask your doctor.
Ask a question isn't a question
You can ask a question and answer your own question. You can then ask another question. If you ask a question that has already been answered you will see that in the asking process.
this is a question. how can you make , are there any reasons to drink and drive? , into a statement? Let me ask you a question. Is a statement but, Let me ask you a question is this a question or a statement? Is a question.
this is a question. how can you make , are there any reasons to drink and drive? , into a statement? Let me ask you a question. Is a statement but, Let me ask you a question is this a question or a statement? Is a question.
this question:what question am i about to ask :D
you can ask any question youm wish to
Ask a question.