2560 x 1524
Big as a breadbox
399 pixels refers to the number of individual points of color that make up an image or display across a width of a screen or image. The more pixels there are, the higher the resolution and clarity of the image.
12 pixels tall 12 pixels wide.
Just over 19 pixels.
Depends on how big the pixels are and the resolution.
You can't. Pictures bigger than 500 pixels will be resized to 500 pixels wide and maximum 700 pixels height.
Mega pixels to you a picture tells how big it is. digital photos of small points in the name of pixels and each of these pixels can immediately different color and Light.
This looks like the dimension of a high definition computer screen - 1366 pixels wide and 768 pixels high. A pixels is defined as a picture element.
Wide XGA. A wide screen resolution of 1280x800, 1366x768 or 1300x768 pixels.
You can make your own Yu-Gi-Oh cards. When you do, it is recommended that the cards are made with 333 Pixels wide X 493 pixels long.
The size of the MSN icon (as of 2012) is 96 pixels high by 96 pixels wide.