It depends on your telephone company as to whether that is even possible.
Area code 866 is one of the toll-free prefixes for North America, along with 800, 888, 877, and 855. Future toll-free codes include 844, 833, and 822.
In North America (USA and Canada, plus 18 Caribbean/nearby islands), area code 866 is used for toll-free numbers, along with area codes 800, 888, 877, and 855, and future toll-free area codes 844, 833, and 822.
From a landline phone, including a payphone, just dial 1-866-xxx-xxxx. On a cell phone (mobile phone), you can usually dial just 866-xxx-xxxx. There is no long-distance charge for the call, but airtime charges may still apply on a cell phone.
In North America (USA, Canada, etc.), area code 866 is just a toll-free number. When we ran out of toll-free 800 numbers, other prefixes were added, including 888, 877, 866, and 855. The 844 toll-free prefix is expected to be added in December 2013.
Thus, if you got a phone call that shows on your caller ID with a number in area code 866, it's probably a company, and the toll-free number is their main contact number.
The 888 toll-free code was introduced in 1996.
The area code 888 denotes a toll-free number accessible within the United States and Canada. The company that owns the 888 number pays for the calls made to it.
The country code and area code of Kochi, Japan is 81, (0)888.
In North America, 800, 888, 877, 866, and 855 are toll-free area codes.
The area code 888 is an established toll free number
The country code and area code of Lijiang- YN, China is 86, (0)888.
If this is a LONDON, UK, number then the correct format for the number is: (020) 8888 xxxx The area served by 8888 is WOOD GREEN. These numbers were previously in the 0181-888-xxxx block, and before that in the 081-888-xxxx, block. Way before that they were originally in the 01-888-xxxx block, pre 1990.
A Service Access Code is a 3-digit code like an area code, but used for something other than a specific geographic area. For example, the toll-free codes 800, 855, 866, 877, and 888 are SACs.
North American area code 866 is a toll-free number. Other toll-free codes are 800, 888, 877, and 855.
The country code and area code of Asturias, Spain is 34, 884.
888 955 5455
Area code 877 is a non-geographic toll-free code, along with 800, 888, 866, and 855. You cannot determine where a particular toll-free number is located.