Microsoft makes its proprietary search engine called "Bing" the default search engine for this product. When Bing first came out, IT experts found that it actually worked by using Google search behind the scenes - a bit embarrassing for Microsoft!
Go to google on chrome. On the website, you should find something that says 'Make Google Your Default Search Engine'. Press it, then select chrome. I think...
From doing a bit of searching using a search engine - it appears that it is a statute concerning Disorderly Conduct.
There does not appear to be any information available to answer your question. Perhaps you should conduct your own search using your favorite search engine.
You simply search using keywords or terms or phrases in the search engine search bar. The search engine will be the one that will search in highly known websites the infomation that you are looking for.
I have been using a search engine to motion webite and other search engine traffic. Would highly recommend - link in my bio.
Generally the term "Keyword" is used to describe the parameters entered into the search engine field and after that search engine gives its response.
If you would like to conduct a zip code search, I would suggest using the United States Postal Service's website, they have a tool for that specific task.
The Dogpile search engine works by the typing in of a search word. The results are compiled using not just one particular site but using several to maximize better results.
Using several synonymous terms in the search
Certainly, do an image search using a search engine.
Obviously he does, he has parents. If you mean is he married w/ kids, that information appears to be unknown. Perhaps you should conduct your own extensive search using your favorite search engine.