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How do you delete,cancel,stop a service off a vodafone mobile for e.g. i keep getting a txt from 8866 txtn me facts, each txt they send takes about $1 PLEASE HELP! ?

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Q: How do you delete cancel or stop a service off a vodafone mobile?
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In which countries are Vodafone mobile phones used?

Vodafone mobile phones are used extensively in the United Kingdom in Europe, in Australia, and in New Zealand. Vodafone is a non-US service provider.

Where can one find a mobile vodafone?

Vodafone refers to a company that provides mobile phone service worldwide either as Vodafone or, in the United States, Verizon Wireless. Phones that work with the Vodafone network can be found at any of their stores/locations.

Details of this mobile number 9538326443?

This mobile number is belongs to Karnataka and the service provider is Vodafone.

What is the best mobile phone service?

T-mobile in usa amd vodafone in Europe and Australia

Can you get Bebo mobile with vodafone for free like o2?

Not all service providers offer the same incentives. Vodafone may not 'do' Bebo.

How can one reach the Vodafone helpline?

The Vodafone helpline can be reached by dialing +91 9820098200 or by dialing 198/111 from a Vodafone mobile number and selecting 1 for the language and 7 for customer service.

What t mobile jobs are available in Vodafone shops?

Their are many t-mobile jobs available in Vodafone shops. Some of them are sales person, cashier, customer service and many more. One can find and apply to all available t-mobile jobs in Vodafone shops by visiting and employment center.

What phone is better vodafone or t-mobile?


Does Vodafone Mobile Connect offer broadband internet access?

"Vodafone Mobile Connect allows users to access e-mail and a web browser by plugging their phone into a computer. Therefore, no internet service provider is needed."

What mobile phone is better the Vodafone 543 mobile phone or the Vodafone 543 mobile phone?

There are many phones that are better than the Vodafone 543. Get yourself an iphone or an android

What kind of stuff does a Vodafone store sell?

A Vodafone store sells mobile subscriptions, mobile phones and accessories. Vodafone is one of the largest mobile communication companies in the world.