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Air in water linesIt's possible that your jet pump could be sucking air from your holding tank. There is usually a float switch from your well to the holding tank depending on the system. The float switch determines how much water is pumped into the holding tank. if the holding tank isn't full enough your jet pump could create a vortex in the tank causing it to suck air. It could also be the case if your jet pump is oversized. It could be a serious problem depending on how much air is being sucked through the pump.
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7y ago
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16y ago

The level of water in well could be dropping because of the pump action lowering level of well which would allow air in. We had this problem in a well near a beach where we had to take only a few inches of water to obtain fresh water, increasing depth would bring up salty water.

Solutions - 1. smaller pump

2. increase depth of well

3. Use a automatic shutoff device so pump shuts off before level drops below inlet. We used a pressure switch from a Little Giant sump pump so we could run on as little as a couple inches of water.

We could not do 2. as it brought up salty water, we were already using 1 a very small pump. In fact we settled on a Little Giant sump pump with the pressure switch as quality of pump was also good, Epoxy coated, for the slightly salty water.


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12y ago

If there's air in your well water lines you have a connection problem. If you are using a jet pump this is a BIG problem ! You need to go over each and every connection from the pump to the well, all connections between a hose and a metal fitting are susceptible to air leaks. To do these connections properly, use a propane torch to soften the last 2 inches of hose ( but do not overheat -you only want it a little soft) and then force it on the metal barb as far as it will go .ALWAYS use 2 hose clamps with the gearheads on opposite sides of the hose, tighten both quickly with a nut driver, then switch to 1/4 drive socket, do each hoseclamp 1/2 turn alternately. This will really give a good air tight joint. The idea is to do this while the hose is still malleable to get a good grip of the barbs. - Before you finish, another handy essential is a ball valve between the jet pump and the pressure tank. After you prime and start the pump, crack this open very slowly so as to get rid of trapped air -You will hear the pressure switch 'chattering' loudly as you do this -don't be concerned, it's normal. Once the pressure gets above 40 psi then open this valve fully. If your pressure will NOT rise above 36-38 then you still have an air leak and it's cavitating the pump.

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13y ago

Usually the well pump sucking air in with water due to low water levels.

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Why would there be air in your well water lines?

Air in well water lines can be caused by low water levels in the well, a malfunctioning check valve, leaks in the system, or a failing well pump. It can also be a sign of sediment buildup in the well that is causing air pockets to form in the water lines. Regular maintenance and inspections can help identify and resolve the issue.

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I think that is what caused my water lines to have too much air in the water

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Excessive air unsepararted in the supply lines collects at your fixtures. Contact your water supplier about the problem. If you are on a privte well, there are devices which remove this air entrainment. yepper...air in your pipes...Private well?

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Install hammer arrestors at the highest point of the water lines.

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Any break or leak on the suction side of your pump can cause air in the lines.

How do you remove air in water lines?

air in water lines usally accur when the water in turned off for some reason,just let the water run in a tub for 5 min. air in water lines that make your pipe rumble, you need air chamber installed. its called water hammer turn of all hot faucets and run till air stops coming out and steady stream of water comes out.

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Its just air in the lines, nothing serious...

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In a well system, water is propelled by air pressure.

How do you stop a faucet from sputtering?

Often a faucet will sputter if there is air in the lines. This happens if the water has been turned off and then on again. If this is the cause, it is only necessary to run the water a while and the air will get out of the lines, and the sputtering will stop.

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Air in the water lines. Everytime water is shut off for plumbing repair , some air gets in. If this is an ongoing problem for no apparent reason, you probably need a plumber.