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the only way to get off an unicorn is to go back to the eerie forest and you will get off!

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Q: How do you get off a unicorn on panfu?
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Were is the unicorn on Panfu?

No reply.

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u don't weirdo.

Can you ride the unicorn on panfu without a membership?

Yes, you can! You have to go to the Eerie Forest and I believe there is a quest to get on the unicorn, but you do not have to be a gold member to ride it.

How do you get unicorn on panfu?

First you go to the volcano. then you click on the telescope and click the little bit of light on the bottom corner. when you are there you will see a unicorn. TIP: try not to run up to the unicorn you might make it panic

How does a unicorn keep warm or cool off?

a unicorn keeps wam by snuggleing with a panda and cools off by attaching its "corn" to the uni

Where is profeser book worm on panfu to get the unicorn sadel?

hey guys i don't actually know how to do this but i will tell you my panda name if you come to my house my panda name is cucuhead.

Where is the missing piece off the code for the hairdryer on Panfu?

In the Library

Can you ride a unicorn on panfu without membership?

yes. You just follow the instructions the guy in the pony stable. (please note he may ask you to come back, tomorrow!) (To go to the forest where the unicorn is you go to the volcano, look through the telescope and click on the yellow light and you will be there!)

How do you make the days go faster on panfu?

you log off and back on

How do you get the rainbow tree off Lenny on the beach panfu?

you cant get the a rainbow tree off Lenny silly

What did the unicorn have to do with Harry Potter in the movie?

Lord Voldemort was feeding off of the unicorn blood to give him strength in the Forbidden Forest.