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get someone to send you a postcard.

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Q: How do you get upgraded from the PSA to EPF in club penguin?
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What is the psa code on club penguin?

The PSA no longer exists! The EPF has taken it's place.

What does the psa standfor in Club Penguin?

PSA stands for Penguin Secret Agency. It used to be the secret agency of club penguin before it got destroyed and was replaced by the EPF.

What are missions in club pengein?

Club Penguin has several types of missions: PSA missions and EPF missions. The PSA missions are longer and there are just 11 of them. The EPF missions are shorter and there are 32 at the moment.

Where do you get the watch on club penguin?

Win all the epf and psa missons then Gary willreward you with it

How do you go into the psa mission Room in the epf in club penguin?

In the EPF HQ there is a large tube in the top center area. Waddle into it and you will go to the VR/PSA Mission Room.

How did Herbert P Bear destroy the PSA on Club Penguin?

Herbert made popcorn flood the PSA so they made the EPF. (different person)Whats above this answer is true it's just that the EPF was already made actually. My name on club penguin is SuperJosh635

How do you use tools with the epf tablet in club penguin?

Sorry but you can only use the tools in the old PSA missions

How do you be a PSA agent in club penguin?

look at the top of your screen for a sign that looks like a spy phone, or try to mail yourself one, or ask a friend to mail you one.

Does club penguin have predators?

YES!!! If your part of PSA [PENGUIN SECRET AGENCY] or the EPF [ELITE PENGUIN FORCE]you will see predators.... EPF IS DS GAME ALSO HAD HQ IN PSA HQ IN CP...PSA is free its on cp online and Herbert P.Bear is predators is full name isHerbert Polar Bear.ThecpnewssiteYankeybrat98Check out our

Club penguin secrets about command center?

The EPF Command Room and the EPF Lobby are the main Command Centers, Dont hesitate to ask about them!Secrets of EPF Command RoomYou can enter EPF Controllers Room by getting 503 coins from Club Penguin Game Day. Once you have earned 503 coins click the dresser at the side next to your map. You should now be in the EPF Controllers Room!Want to become a famous EPF Agent? Check the System Scanner EVERYDAY until your penguin is 793 days old!How to work the EPF System ScannerJust by clicking it!Secrets of the EPF Lobby (PSA IN THE PAST)In the EPF Lobby you can see what the PSA HQ looked like in the past!PSA'S REAL HQ (DOWNLOAD OF CPBlizzard)To enter the REAL PSA HQ you must download CPBlizzard from Club Penguin Trainers. Once you have it downloaded and on Club Penguin, click on CHEATS in the Left top corner. You should now see a TELEPORT button, click that then scroll down until you see AGENT HQ! That means PSA Hq!If there is anymore you would like to hear, send an e-mail to!

When are the new missions on club penguin arriving?

Never. The PSA and missions was replaced by the EPF and Field Ops. You can play the older PSA missions in the EPF Command Room if you use the Tube Transport and click on the PSA Missions.If you ask be Disney has ruined everything by replacing EVERYTHING

How do you get the sunglasses on club penguin?

How to get the sunglasses? Well back in 2005 when they had PSA (Penguin Secret Agency) there was a F.I.S.H catalog to buy items. In there, you could get the sunglasses and other accesories. But now, PSA is replaced with EPF, so you can no longer get the sunglasses.