This is very easy i say. First of all you need to have the maracas, then, you need to take everything off of your penguin except the maracas and dance [or wave i can't remember]
and then you will start to shake your maracas! Hope that helped! [P.S. that is the same with everything, just take off everything on your penguin but the item you want to play and dance or wave try them both and see what happens! Hope that helped!
Taylor Drawer
First you need to remove any items that your penguin is wearing. You can keep keep on a different colour if you added one.) Then equip the maracas and click on the penguin movement button on the blue toolbar and do the dance move. There you go, a maraca shaking penguin. u press xd at the same time my penguin is loppy 411.
You have to go to the music jam party (when it is on) if you are a member go to snow forts to the buy stool buy the vip neck lace. go to the forest (stage) click the vip bit. it will take you back stage click the buying bit buy the drum sticks wave or dance the one that works and your will be drumming a invisable drum when the party is over go to the light house the music stage forever will be there go to the drums and you can drum that!
Club penguin users are the people who play club penguin.
you cant play club penguin on the phone
Space adventure was the first club penguin play
you cant play it
No. Almost anyone can learn to play Club Penguin.
120,000,000 people play club penguin!
That is passed. There is no way you can play club penguin in 2010. Although there are some club penguin private servers (CPPS) which never update so they take you back in time in club penguin.
Club penguin is a virtual world where you have a penguin pal and you play through it.
I want to play club penguin
No, you cannot play Club Penguin on a 3DS. It does not support flash.
dude you suck you play club penguin
yes type in play club penguin