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The member ship fees. Part of them go for maintenance, salaries, and other things, while the other part is profit.

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How do you get the money maker on club penguin?

if you want money earn it

How can you get more money on club penjuin?

Just play games and earn money!

Do you earn money racing pigeons?

You could earn money depending on the number of members in your club.

How much money a football player earns after winning the Super Bowl?

so it depends on their club,if the club has money they can earn them plenty of moneys.

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Why do you have to be a member in club penguin to get the good stuff?

So that Disney can earn money.

Do you know how to send money to your friends on club penguin?

You cant send money on club penguin its impossible, But you can earn money from playing games and from being a tour guide and EPF.

Arabic of to earn money?

"كسب المال" is the Arabic translation for "to earn money."

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How much money does you earn?

I earn 250$, but it's pretty good salary for my country

How much money does a dance club owner earn?

It depends how sucessful your business is but you earn up to £85000 maximum a month.

What game do you earn the most coins on in club penguin?

it deppends how well you play in the night club bean counters or hydro hopper they all earn a lot of money sometimes its the same