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Generally client side validation uses functions or a validation object and methods to check that a user has entered valid data, and that all required data is entered. Validation for text fields is often done by attaching a function call to the "blur" event of the text element. Validating that all required data is present is normally done by attaching an event to the "submit" event on the form.

In all cases, you have to be aware that client side validation is only useful for user experience. It cannot be relied on, and so even with it, server side validation has to be done on the submitted data. This is true even in cases where AJAX is employed, as all client side code is suspect.

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Q: How is client side validation carried out?
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Best Practice : Use both The Cons of using one or the other : With client side validation only, if a user disables JavaScript, then no validation will occur. With server side validation only, there are more return trips to the server which in turns uses more resources and slows down the site when a client side script could have done the validation without the server. The Pros of having both : The data will always be validated, whether or not the client has JavaScript enabled or not. There will be less server strain with the client side validation. The client can fix form errors faster with instant client side notifications. The data will have a bit more integrity going through the dual validation process.

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In JavaScript the validation is done client side, which means it can be easily bypassed by turning JavaScript off in your browser. But with PHP it is server side, which means you can't switch it off, so you can't bypass the validation.

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Yes it does. That is how client side validation of html control is possible using javascript

What is validation in aspnet?

Validation is simply making sure any data coming back from the client is appropriate. It can be both client and server side and is handled by the ASP.NET server controls (valiation controls). These are very easy to work with, as its normally just a matter of dropping them on the page.

Why the forms validations in a HTML page is done using client side language instead of server side language?

Local validation on the client machine is much quicker than remote validation on the server. This makes your page more responsive to the user, and users like responsive pages. Also, local validation does not refresh the page, which means the user is not interrupted in filling in the form. New AJAX technology allows quite rapid server side validation without having to refresh the page. Use it where local validation is not possible - for example checking if a value already exists (or not) on the database.

How does javascript validate input?

Since JavaScript is a client-side language, all input will be validated on the client-side. This could be simple validation of forms such as checking if the user-submitted e-mail is actually an email, or if the submitted name doesn't have special characters (!#%) etc. These validations can easily be bypassed by manipulating the javascript, so it's not safe. Typically you would do some validation on the server-side just to be safe when storing to a database.

What are advantages of using JavaScript validations?

The main advantage to JavaScript validation is that it allows for instantaneous feedback for the user. User's are less likely to become annoyed if the form is capable of telling them that their data is invalid right away.Client-side validation also leads to less traffic. Rather than the server having to receive the entire HTML form POST, just to have it return an error, you can instead significantly cut down on the amount of data being sent to and from the server.It's important to note that even with JavaScript validation, server-side validation in a higher language must be done. JavaScript is client side, so it's possible to circumvent JavaScript validation with very little effort. If you rely solely on JavaScript validation, you will eventually receive bad (even potentially harmful) POSTS at the server. A web developer that doesn't do server-side checks has a very short career.

What is requirement validation?

Requirements validation is a critical step in the development process, usually after requirements engineering or requirements analysis. Also at delivery (client acceptance test).

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XML does not have the concept of client-side/server-side.

What client side programming?

As far as web programming is concerned, client side programming is code that runs in the web browser, rather than the web server. JavaScript is an example of client side scripting because the code is sent to the browser, at which point it is executed. PHP is an example of server side scripting because the code is executed on the server, and the resulting code is sent to the browser and displayed.

What is use of JavaScript?

JavaScript is used to perform client-side programming on web pages. This includes making remote calls to more advanced, server-side languages like PHP and ASP, which have direct access to the database, as well as performing basic validation for client input, creating graphical representations of data (read charts and graphs) and animating page elements to aid in the users understanding of the interface.