One reliable source for the number of Twitter users is Twitdir. TwitDir is a Twitter users (some call them twitter'ers) directory.
Twitdir reports the number of Twitter users is well over one million.. As Twitdir is only capable of detecting Twitter users with a public profile, this number is a underestimated as to the total number of Twitter users.
According to a story in TechCrunch entitled, "End Of Speculation: The Real Twitter Usage Numbers." the key measure of Twitter usage is total users, total active users and total messages sent. And according to a source close to the company, these are the current Twitter usage stats:
March 2008
Total Users: 1+ million
Total Active Users: 200,000 per week
Total Twitter Messages: 3 million/day states that since Hitwise says web visits to Twitter have increased 8x in the last year, they estimates the number to be 14,590,000 Twitter accounts in total (most of which may well be "inactive")-- but around 3 million active accounts.
Answer 2
According to figures from eMarketer, Twitter receives over 14million visitors a month from the USA and they estimate that Twitter currently has over 6 million users.
Millions. If you visit their website there is a graph of how many people are using it.
Twitter crossed 200 million members in March,2011.
A survey in January 2010 found there to be 75 million Twitter users. However, it was also pointed out that many of these accounts were inactive; 40% had never sent a single tweet. There are around 10 to 15 million "active" Twitter accounts.
In March,2011 Twitter reached 200 million members.
(see related link for source)
in March 2010 there are 50 million Twitter accounts. However, most of its 50 million accounts merely follow other users rather than posting their own messages.
73% of Twitter accounts have tweeted fewer than 10 times according to a new report from Barracuda Networks, a Web security company. As of December 2009, only 21% of Twitter account holders were what Barracuda defines as "true users," meaning someone who has at least 10 followers, follows at least 10 people and has tweeted at least 10 times.
As of January 2011, Twitter has over 300 million users.
13% of Americans use Twitter.
New York State has the most Twitters users in the USA, according to Twitter data. So how many people in NYS are registered Twitter users?
The number of specific Twitter users per country or nationality is unknown.
Exact numbers are difficult to determine especially as not everyone uses their location on Twitter.
There are approximately 200,000 users in Holland.
Statistics show that there are approximately 1,026,063 users in India.
200 million(March 2011)
Yes you are free to chat with other users on Twitter.
An exact figure is unknown but it's likely to be in the thousands.
with the help of their hands...
An exact figure is unknown but New York has the most users.
Statistics for the number of users in a particular state is difficult to determine especially as users aren't required to submit their location.