You can do the same. Make up names and lives for you and your friends who are going to be in the videos.
(That way, you're not giving out any personal information about yourself)
Make your fictional characters exciting and fun. Give them a history together, quirks and personalities.
Create a setWhere are you going to film your web show? You could have a location inside or outside. A tree house or play house could work well. It can be hard to get the lighting right indoors. So if you do choose to film indoors - make sure the area is well lit. Have props around that suit the theme of the show - some bright, cool things and maybe even some weird, zany things! Script the showYou'll need to spend at least a little time working out what each show is going to be about and working out who is going to say what. It helps if the characters of the web show have very different personalities and goals - this can create drama which will help shape each show. In icarly, Sam looks very girly but acts very boyish - she's tough and will fight rather than talk something out (And she's also very loyal to Carly). Where you can make your own web showKidzbopKidzbop is a safe environment where kids can make web shows and upload videos. You can have past episodes and featured episodes of your videos - just like a real web show.
And you can design your own banner and page - and then get fans to your web show!
You can make a web show like iCarly by setting up a website and make a video then post it!
Do You Mean The Web Show Or The Hole Show? If You Mean The Web Show Then All You Need Is A Camara, Smart Brain And Sense Of Humor.
It's funny and it's about a web show!
A teenage girl hosts a web show with her 2 friends. The web show is called icarly.
Look at the things they have in there studio in the show and buy similar things to buy and have to decorate or use.
Their web show is called iCarly so they call her iCarly because of the show.
iCarly, isn't a real web show. Its just a show on nickelodeon. But they do have a webisite with funny SEGMENTS, check it out:
iCarly her favourite movie is mean girls its mine to