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Q: How were people able to learn from books in ways that they couldn't before printing was invented?
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How were books made before the printing press Was Invented?

People took paper and wrote on it...

How does Johannes Gutenberg invention affect the generation today?

Johnannes Gutenberg invented the printing press. This allowed for the people to get books faster and more of them. Before the printing press was invented, monks would sit and hand write the long books. I also gave people a chance to learn how to read. Many people could not read before the printing press because books were expansive and scarce.

What are facts about woodblock printing?

woodblock printing was invented in the 800 AD by japanese people

Why was cursive inventied?

Cursive handwriting was developed as a way to write faster and more efficiently. It allowed scribes and writers to create written documents more quickly than traditional printing. Over time, cursive became a standard form of handwriting due to its practicality and aesthetic appeal.

Who invented the printing press of America?

The printing press was invented before the Americas were discovered. The same kind that were used in Europe were simply made in America once people wanted them there. The first printing press in Europe was built by a German goldsmith named Johannes Gutenberg. He made it around 1440 and the first book he printed was the Bible.

What did Johannes Gutenberg invented?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press in the 15th century. This invention revolutionized the way information was spread and contributed to the spread of knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

What effect did the printing press have on the ways europeans understood the world?

When it was invented in the 15th century, the printing press revolutionized the way Europeans saw their world. It allowed information to be disseminated to a large group of people quickly. The printing press helped spread ideas about religion and politics to people who had never before had access to this sort of information.

Why did Johannes Gutenberg invent the printing press?

He invented the Printing press because before the printing press they wrote books by hand and they took for ever to finish 1. So they were really rare and only the people that were rich could afford to bye books so only the rich ones could read. Then when Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press everyone could bye books and eventually it spread through out Europe . The printing press could print 31 pages before you could write 3 pages .

Why was invention of printing so important?

Because, before it's invention all books had to be handwritten, and so only the wealthy could buy them. But once printing was invented, books became much easier to make, and therefore cheaper, so more people could have them.

Why was the invention of printing so important?

Because, before it's invention all books had to be handwritten, and so only the wealthy could buy them. But once printing was invented, books became much easier to make, and therefore cheaper, so more people could have them.

How was the printer invented?

In the Western World the first printer was the printing press invented in the 1700's. This was a huge innovation since up until then, everything had to be hand copied. The printing press consisted of blocks with letters that could be arranged in a tray and then emptied to make a new page. It was first invented in China and was adopted and modified by Europe in the mid sixteenth century.

What is the reason behind the existence of library?

In the early days books were simply too expensive for most people to posess. Before printing was invented, books had to be copied by hand, which limited their availability and made them expensive.