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Unfortunately not...I learned the painful way when I threw my digital camera at my 42inch sony bravia. They can be fixed but it's more expensive to do than just buying a new one. Get yourself some cheap contents insurance which covers accidental damage. Wait a few weeks then put in a claim. It'll still cost you a few bob but much more cost effective than buying a new one. :)

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Q: I have smashed my plasma tele by throwing a cup at it and the screens cracked but no mark on the screen just the plasma can i fix it if so how?
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What makes a 55 inch LCD TV better than a plasma?

LCD TV screens weigh less and use less energy than plasma TV screens, but plasma has better picture and colors. LCD screens are thinner than plasma screens as well.

What makes a plasma so special?

Yes, there is a difference. LCD and plasma technologies continue to improve, but currently the largest television screens are made with plasma screens. Plasma screens produce dark blacks, whereas many LCD screens have problems producing dark blacks and look too light to some people. Plasma screens are going to be heavier than an LCD of the same size usually, and LCDs are more energy efficient.

What is the diffrence between lcd an plasmama lot of my friends are geting me confusedtell me you always have good opinon. Thanks Gary Schmid ?

Plasma screens are less energy efficient than LCD screens, per square inch. LCD screens are more subject to blurring than plasma screens. The color saturation and black-level performance are considered slightly better in plasma screens, though it depends on model. Plasma screens have a greater likelihood of burn-in than LCD screens.

Can you buy just the LCD screen part of a plasma television?

Plasma TV's don't have LCD screens. They're plasma screens and they usually will cost more than the TV itself.

Who makes HDTV plasma screens?


How much does a 15 inch plasma screen tv cost?

There are no 15-inch plasma screens on the market. The plasma screen market is now limited to very large scale screens (50" +).

What are computer screens made out of?

computer screens are mad out of plasma. It is also made of petrolium. which means plastic.

Which can be categorized as a use of plasma in technology?

Plasma is used in technology for applications such as plasma TVs for display screens, plasma cutting for precise metal cutting, and plasma processing for semiconductor manufacturing.

What is the size range available for plasma screens?

The size range available for plasma flat screens is relatively large. It varies from the smallest - 19 inches, to the largest (and most expensive) - 103 inches.

What's the difference between a plasma screen and an LCD screen?

LCD's (liquid crystal display) tend to have a higher resolution, are lighter, and use less power than plasma screens. However, plasma screens allow for better viewing angles.

Can you fix an internal cracked plasma tv?

inside screen on plasme ave cracked can itbe fixed

Are hd plasma screens available on computers?

HD plasma screens are available on computers. You can hook your computer to the TV via the HDMI port, so that your blu ray drive in your player has the full resolution.