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A crossover cable is used to connect a Hub or Switch to another Hub or Switch - or a PC to another PC.

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13y ago

hub and switch both are the network connectivity devices,but hub connects the same network while the switch connects the different network...


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Q: Is it possible to link a cross-over connection to a switch or hub?
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When connect switch to switch which cable to use?

All depends on the switch if the switch is intelligent and have auto detection which most switches have now a days you can use either one i.e straight through or crossover but if the switch is dumb you have to use crossover cable and plug it in the up-link port the process is called daisy chaining. For the past 7 years i have yet to come across a switch that don't have auto-detection for cables and link but in some old setups i have still see old technology.

The Link for a switch connection is isolated from other data traffic except for what type of messages?

The Link for a switch connection is isolated from other data traffic except for the messages with the same IP address class. i.e the IP adressess of the same class

How do you link a laptop to a computer?

There are many ways to link 2 computers together. You can use a parallel cable, a crossover cable via the network interface card, run remote desktop over the internet, going through a router, special USB interface connection, programs like PCanywhere and using wireless connection. The best method depends on what you are wanting the link between the computers to do and what hardware you have to work with.

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Yes it is possible to connect two computers together

What is difference between normal and uplink ports in switches?

Up-link ports are used to "Up-link" a device to another device such as a hub, router, or switch. Normal ports are used to attach a device to the before mentioned devices. A lot of devices have "auto configuration" or auto-sensing ports. With these auto sensing ports, any port can be utilized as a up-link port. In the early days of networking, you had to use a crossover cable to up-link a device to another switch, hub, or router. This was before they had up-link ports.

Name two situation in which a crossover cable would be used to connect devices?

A cross-over cable is used to connect two computers together without the use of a connecting device, such as a switch or hub. When daisy-chaining hubs and switches, some older equipment has a special port called the up-link port. This port requires the use of a cross-over cable to add hubs to hubs, etc.

Where can I buy a crossover hybrid?

I have included a link to a website that will provide you with a wealth of information and provide you with the answer you seek. The link to the website is

Where is the A.D.L. link connection on a 95 mercury villager van with a 3.0L located?

The 1995 Mercury link connection is located on the bottom of the dashboard. The link connection will be on the passenger side of the dashboard.

Have you linked the files when you connect a Word document to a separate Excel worksheet?

If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.If you do a Paste Link, then there will be a connection maintained between the Word document and the Excel Workbook.

What connecting device is best for a LAN?

CAT 5 Crossover cable is the best, it gives your more freedom not only can you hook it up to a network viva router or switch you can also link 2 PC's together to game or share data or whatever you infer.

Why will my car start with remote starter but not with key?

There is an electrical problem between the starter switch and the starter solenoid. The most likely cause is a loose connection at the solenoid or the fusable link has melted.

Your 98 chevy blazer is getting no power to the starter or the instrument panel inside what causes this?

Fuses of course, fusible link at the battery, bad connection at the battery, I don't know if a 98 still has the connection on the firewall, a resister, l0 gauge red wire in and out. Bad ignition switch I suppose. Corrosion at the connection in the firewall.