RealPlayer is not illegal and it is safe to use and also free unless you want to buy the RealPlayer Plus. If you want more info go check out their website. It's also a good media player because it supports many formats that other players don't.
Realplayer SP is much better than realplayer 11.
RealPlayer was created in 1995.
The RealPlayer SuperPass enables one to access the features of RealPlayer as well as enjoy a Video On Demand Service. It is available from the RealPlayer website.
You can download RealPlayer 11 from the Download CNET or Softonic websites. You can also find the most recent RealPlayer software from the official RealPlayer Cloud website.
From their website. Google realplayer and you'll find it.
RealPlayer is not required to use iTunes.
It is not possible to burn a video on a CD with Realplayer. Realplayer Plus allows a person to burn a video to a DVD.
RealPlayer can be downloaded for free at the company's own official RealPlayer website. There are also several 3rd party websites such as "Softpedia" and "Tucows" that have links that people can click on to download RealPlayer for free. To get instructions on how to download RealPlayer or to troubleshoot issues, WikiHow is a good website to check out, too.
Download it from their official website. Just search for 'realplayer download' in your browser.
RealPlayer can be freely downloaded from Real, RealPlayer's website. If this is somehow inaccessible, one can also download from websites CNET or Softonic.
Find the file and transfer it to your PSP. It may work. Realplayer is just playing it because it has been set as default.