splash page
it is a real website u can sign up on and watch videos and stuff. (I'm in the UK and it works on my laptop just type in 'splash face' and it should come up as 'Broadcast your innerself:splashFace.com
Yes it is just type in on google: Splash Face Login and click on one and then just create an account...] GOOD LUCK ON GETTING ON IT (:
if you type it in it brings you to icarly.com,but the real link is splashface2.synthasite.com
go to splashface.com.magnify.net
With water.
report abuse
yes it does here is the link www.splashface.com
The Tadpole Splash. I don't get he is so small and he can do a splash
It is called 'The Splash', painted in 1967. That year he also painted 'A Bigger Splash' and 'A Little Splash'.
yes, She has a splashface. When you throw water at her face, it goes *splash*